Bug #52055 NDB node shutdown and NDB misbehavior version 7.0.7
Submitted: 15 Mar 2010 8:34 Modified: 24 May 2010 20:13
Reporter: Rosario Arun Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 OS:Linux (SUSE Enterprise Linux)
Assigned to: Jonas Oreland CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: database import issue version 7.0.7, ndbd node shutdown

[15 Mar 2010 8:34] Rosario Arun
When I do some database import from an SQL dump, or sometimes on its own the NDB data nodes shutsdown automatically. 

Most of the time when I try to import from the sql dump i get 707 Error. I know this means max no of table. I have only 5 tables in the database and still i get this error. 

Here is the logs of  ndb_*_error.log

Status: Temporary error, restart node
Message: Assertion (Internal error, programming error or missing error message, please report a bug)
Error: 2301
Error data: ArrayPool<T>::getPtr
Error object: ../../../../../storage/ndb/src/kernel/vm/ArrayPool.hpp line: 422 (block: DBDICT)
Program: /usr/sbin/ndbd
Pid: 4217
Trace: /var/lib/mysql-cluster//ndb_2_trace.log.2
Version: mysql-5.1.35 ndb-7.0.7

The bug, http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=46295 tells that this issue is resolved in 7.0.7 version. I am using 7.0.7 version. 

Some other misbehaviours of the NDB, 
When I truncate a table it gets dropped and when i try to create it again it says table already exsists. 

All report mem, output
Both the data node 22 % data usage and 13 percent % index usage.

Thanks in advance

How to repeat:
In the mysql-5.1.35 ndb-7.0.7 version. Try to table a mysql dump from an existing database and change the engine to ndbcluster in the create table statements and try to import it into the ndbcluster. You will get error like 707 error. If you try again an again two three times your ndbd will shutdown automatically. 

And for the ndbd to come up again it would take more than half an hour.
[16 Mar 2010 13:52] Gustaf Thorslund
Hi Rosario,

Could you please provide the full ndb_error_reporter output as described in:


If you upload it to our ftp server please put 52055 somewhere in the filename.

[18 Mar 2010 15:17] Rosario Arun

Attachment: 52055__ndb_error_report_20100318180120.tar.bz2 (application/octet-stream, text), 154.58 KiB.

[18 Mar 2010 15:32] Rosario Arun
Error log or all the nodes Complete version

Attachment: 52055_ALLNODES_ndb_error_report_20100318181802.tar.bz2 (application/octet-stream, text), 256.85 KiB.

[18 Mar 2010 15:33] Rosario Arun
Hi Gustaf Thorslund ,
Thanks for your response. I have uploaded the error dump from ndb_error_reporter. The second file 52055_ALLNODES_ndb_error_report_20100318181802.tar.bz2 holds the complete dump. 

Thanks in advance.
[3 May 2010 12:23] Jonas Oreland

1) Can you please try with a newer version, e.g 7.0.14
or 7.1.3

2) If this still fails, can you please upload the schema definition.

3) Also, have you upgrade from 6.3 ?

[11 May 2010 6:31] Geert Vanderkelen
This is repeatable with MySQL Cluster 7.1.3 (so I guess also with 7.0.14).

* Creating 300 tables, failed with out of attributes
* Increasing MaxNoAttributes to 10000
* Failure after 107 where created, error 2301
* Cleaning up everything i.e. removing all ndb related files and MySQL's datadir
* Start again: error 136 No more room in index file
* Reconfiguring to give more index memory
* Again, same error 2301 with trace here below


[ndbd default]
NoOfReplicas = 1
datamemory = 200M
indexmemory = 70M
datadir = /opt/mysql/clusters/machA/ndb



[ndb_mgmd default]
datadir = /opt/mysql/clusters/machA/ndb

hostname = localhost
PortNumber = 1186
id = 1

hostname = localhost
id = 2

id = 20
id = 21
id = 22

Attaching file which has error and trace.
[11 May 2010 6:34] Geert Vanderkelen
Just a FYI, the Python script creating a rather basic table 319 times:

import mysql.connector as db

def main():
  cnx = db.connect(user='root',db='test')
  cur = cnx.cursor()
    " c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 VARCHAR(400), c4 VARCHAR(200), c5 INT, c6 BIT,"\
    "PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=ndb"
  for i in xrange(1,320):
    cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t%d" % i)
    cur.execute(create % i)
[11 May 2010 7:05] Geert Vanderkelen
Yes, repeatable:
1) Make sure you create enough tables so error "error code 136: No more room in index file" is generated. This can be done with the above configuration
2) Restart Cluster
3) Try again recreating these tables.
4) Data Node shuts down.
[11 May 2010 7:13] Geert Vanderkelen
Seems not to be related to setting MaxNoOfOrderedIndexes higher (defaults to 128). Setting it to 500 crashes the data node as well, at creation of table t217 or t128.
[24 May 2010 8:14] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3544 Jonas Oreland	2010-05-24
      ndb - bug#52055 - fix problem where index could get too high id, causing assertion
[24 May 2010 8:17] Jonas Oreland
pushed to 7.0.15 and 7.1.4
DOCS: when creating an index, code failed to check that id allocate was within
  range of possible id's for an index, causing assertion
[24 May 2010 20:13] Jon Stephens
Documented bugfix in the NDB-7.0.15 and 7.1.4 changelogs as follows:

        When creating an index, NDB failed to check whether the internal
        ID allocated to the index was within the allowable range,
        leading to an assertion. This issue could manifest itself as a
        data node failure with NDB error 707 (No more table metadata
        records (increase MaxNoOfTables)), when creating tables in rapid
        succession (for example, by a script, or when importing from
        mysqldump), even with a relatively high value for MaxNoOfTables
        and a relatively low number of tables.
