Bug #51731 Sync does not reconcile all procedures
Submitted: 4 Mar 2010 17:22 Modified: 26 Mar 2010 11:30
Reporter: Jeremy Wilson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.16 OS:Any (Win 7, Linux)
Assigned to: Alexander Musienko CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

[4 Mar 2010 17:22] Jeremy Wilson
This problem does not occur in 5.1.18SE, but does occur in 5.2.16OSS.

When performing a sync on a considerably large model, not all stored procedures are synced to the source from the model. 

In my case, I have a source database which has no stored procedures in it whatsoever. The model has 70 stored procedure items. On sync, only 61 of the 70 procedures are set to be synced to the source. Note that all procedures work and are without syntax error.

How to repeat:
I am including the full source schema and the model for your comparison.
[5 Mar 2010 6:56] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report.

Verified as described.

Here is my test:


mysql webpt3_Prod < source

Open Workbench ...

Load diagramm app_webpt_com.mwb

Forward engineering ...

all seems fine.

SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.routines where routine_schema='webpt3_Prod';

Result 1 instead of 70.
[23 Mar 2010 15:28] Johannes Taxacher
fixed in repository
[26 Mar 2010 11:30] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.17 changelog:

When synchronizing a model containing a large number of Stored Routines, not all routines were synchronized with the live server.