Bug #50960 MySQL Workbench deletes DB if confirmation dialog is closed
Submitted: 6 Feb 2010 6:14 Modified: 9 Feb 2010 10:57
Reporter: Alex Super Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: SQL Editor Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.15 OSS Beta Rev 5053 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Workbench delete database

[6 Feb 2010 6:14] Alex Super
MySQL editor in MySQL Workbench has a tab with list of existing databases. There are several buttons on the right of Overview line in the Overview tab - 3 buttons for view style, + and -. If you click on '-' a confirmation dialog with a confirmation for dialog deletion appears. Just close this dialog clicking on the cross in the upper-right corner instead of clicking any button inside the dialog and ... you DB will be deleted!

All applications I've seen before assume that closing the dialog means action cancellation, not a confirmation.

Some bad rock drived me through these steps to make me deleting in 1 sec the database I was importing for a day :( (70 gigs)

How to repeat:
1. Open the specified version of MySQL Workbench
2. Under SQL Development open a connection to existing database to get into the SQL Editor
3. Select the Overview tab
4. In the upper-right corner click '-' (minus sign), so the 'DB deletion' confirmation dialog will appear
5. Instead of confirming or cancelling close the confirmation dialog clicking on the cross in the upper-right corner
6. Ensure that your DB is deleted

Suggested fix:
Just cancel the DB deletion if it is not confirmed
[8 Feb 2010 11:55] Johannes Taxacher
cannot repeat on my windows box. closing the drop dlg. using the close-button in the dialog frame did not drop the database
[9 Feb 2010 10:57] Susanne Ebrecht
This is a duplicate of bug #50072