Bug #50888 valgrind warnings in Field_timestamp::val_str
Submitted: 3 Feb 2010 17:32 Modified: 11 Dec 2010 18:01
Reporter: Shane Bester (Platinum Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Data Types Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.5.99-m3 OS:Any (fc6 x86)
Assigned to: Tor Didriksen CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: valgrind

[3 Feb 2010 17:32] Shane Bester
Version: '5.5.99-m3'  socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock'  port: 3306  Source distribution
Thread 3:                                                                       
Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)                      
at: Field_timestamp::val_str(String*, String*) (field.cc:4920)                  
by: Item_field::str_result(String*) (item.cc:2045)                              
by: Item_cache_str::cache_value() (item.cc:7463)                                
by: Item_cache_str::val_str(String*) (item.cc:7513)                             
by: Arg_comparator::can_compare_as_dates (item_cmpfunc.cc:815)                  
by: Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func (item_cmpfunc.cc:904)                          
by: Item_sum_hybrid::setup(Item*, Item*) (item_cmpfunc.h:82)                    
by: Item_sum_hybrid::fix_fields(THD*, Item**) (item_sum.cc:1179)                
by: setup_fields (sql_base.cc:7353)                                             
by: JOIN::prepare (sql_select.cc:498)                                           
by: mysql_select (sql_select.cc:2445)                                           
by: handle_select (sql_select.cc:271)                                           
 Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation                           
at: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)                                            
by: my_malloc (my_malloc.c:34)                                                  
by: alloc_root (my_alloc.c:201)                                                 
by: myisam_create_handler (sql_list.h:45)                                       
by: get_new_handler (handler.cc:252)                                            
by: open_table_from_share (table.cc:1678)                                       
by: open_unireg_entry (sql_base.cc:3949)                                        
by: open_table (sql_base.cc:2946)                                               
by: open_tables (sql_base.cc:4621)                                              
by: open_and_lock_tables_derived (sql_base.cc:5027)                             
by: execute_sqlcom_select (mysql_priv.h:1575)                                   
by: mysql_execute_command(THD*) (sql_parse.cc:2139)                             

field.cc:4920 is this:

  if (temp == 0L)  <------

I'm using revno: 2966
Fedora Core release 6 (Zod)

How to repeat:
run mysqld under valgrind.
login using mysql -uroot test -A

drop table if exists `t1`;
create table `t1`(`a` timestamp)engine=myisam;
insert into `t1` values (0);
flush tables;
select max(`a`) from `t1`;

Suggested fix:
initialize all local variables in that and other functions.
[3 Feb 2010 18:56] Sveta Smirnova
I can not repeat on 64-bit Linux
[3 Feb 2010 19:41] MySQL Verification Team
oops, i used a release binary, built using "./BUILD/compile-pentium-max"
[3 Feb 2010 21:27] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Please provide configure options you used to compile MySQL.
[8 Feb 2010 13:47] MySQL Verification Team
Still repeatable.  Exact steps, goto bzr directory:

mv mysql-5.5.99-m3-linux-i686.tar.gz /tmp
cd /tmp
tar zxvf mysql-5.5.99-m3-linux-i686.tar.gz 
cd mysql-5.5.99-m3-linux-i686
mv ./libexec/* ./bin
mv ./share/mysql/*.sql ./share
./scripts/mysql_install_db --no-defaults

valgrind --tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --db-attach=yes -v --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=50 ./bin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --skip-name-resolve --basedir=. --datadir=./data 

then login and run the testcase.

My environment:
revno: 2998
Fedora Core release 6 (Zod)
gcc (GCC) 4.1.1 20061011 (Red Hat 4.1.1-30)
Linux box1.hti.co.za 2.6.18-1.2798.fc6xen #1 SMP Mon Oct 16 15:11:19 EDT 2006 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
[8 Feb 2010 14:47] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the feedback.

Verified as described with valgrind start line provided.
[22 Feb 2010 14:42] Manyi Lu
Sveta, does this bug occur on 5.1 and 6.0-bugfixing trees?

[2 Mar 2010 7:44] Tor Didriksen
to see the origin of the uninitialized value:
./mtr --valgrind-mysqld --valgrind-option='--track-origins=yes'

==16436== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==16436==    at 0x6E0ECF: Field_timestamp::val_str(String*, String*) (field.cc:4921)
==16436==    by 0x71CC25: Item_field::str_result(String*) (item.cc:2045)
==16436==    by 0x72C3B7: Item_cache_str::cache_value() (item.cc:7463)
==16436==    by 0x72C70F: Item_cache_str::val_str(String*) (item.cc:7513)
==16436==    by 0x736736: Arg_comparator::can_compare_as_dates(Item*, Item*, unsigned long long*) (item_cmpfunc.cc:815)
==16436==    by 0x736A3F: Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func(Item_result_field*, Item**, Item**, Item_result) (item_cmpfunc.cc:904)
==16436==    by 0x5FEDB8: Arg_comparator::set_cmp_func(Item_result_field*, Item**, Item**, bool) (item_cmpfunc.h:82)
==16436==    by 0x792DB1: Item_sum_hybrid::setup(Item*, Item*) (item_sum.cc:1220)
==16436==    by 0x792B9A: Item_sum_hybrid::fix_fields(THD*, Item**) (item_sum.cc:1179)
==16436==    by 0x55FFF3: setup_fields(THD*, Item**, List<Item>&, enum_mark_columns, List<Item>*, bool) (sql_base.cc:7522)
==16436==    by 0x5D0329: JOIN::prepare(Item***, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, st_select_lex*, st_select_lex_unit*) (sql_select.cc:498)
==16436==    by 0x5D7577: mysql_select(THD*, Item***, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int, List<Item>&, Item*, unsigned int, st_order*, st_order*, Item*, st_order*, unsigned long long, select_result*, st_select_lex_unit*, st_select_lex*) (sql_select.cc:2459)
==16436==    by 0x5CFBBB: handle_select(THD*, LEX*, select_result*, unsigned long) (sql_select.cc:271)
==16436==    by 0x5AD120: execute_sqlcom_select(THD*, TABLE_LIST*) (sql_parse.cc:4562)
==16436==    by 0x5A58B8: mysql_execute_command(THD*) (sql_parse.cc:2061)
==16436==    by 0x5AF212: mysql_parse(THD*, char const*, unsigned int, char const**) (sql_parse.cc:5594)
==16436==  Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation
==16436==    at 0x4A0515D: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)
==16436==    by 0x9064A1: my_malloc (my_malloc.c:34)
==16436==    by 0x8FBF7E: alloc_root (my_alloc.c:201)
==16436==    by 0x51BD9C: Sql_alloc::operator new(unsigned long, st_mem_root*) (sql_list.h:45)
==16436==    by 0x882164: myisam_create_handler(handlerton*, TABLE_SHARE*, st_mem_root*) (ha_myisam.cc:127)
==16436==    by 0x70C080: get_new_handler(TABLE_SHARE*, st_mem_root*, handlerton*) (handler.cc:253)
==16436==    by 0x65071E: open_table_from_share(THD*, TABLE_SHARE*, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, TABLE*, bool) (table.cc:1705)
==16436==    by 0x55703C: open_table(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, st_mem_root*, Open_table_context*, unsigned int) (sql_base.cc:2858)
==16436==    by 0x5596B5: open_and_process_table(THD*, LEX*, TABLE_LIST*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, Prelocking_strategy*, bool, Open_table_context*, st_mem_root*) (sql_base.cc:4192)
==16436==    by 0x55A1CA: open_tables(THD*, TABLE_LIST**, unsigned int*, unsigned int, Prelocking_strategy*) (sql_base.cc:4591)
==16436==    by 0x55B01B: open_and_lock_tables(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, bool, unsigned int, Prelocking_strategy*) (sql_base.cc:5185)
==16436==    by 0x55058D: open_and_lock_tables(THD*, TABLE_LIST*, bool, unsigned int) (mysql_priv.h:1574)
==16436==    by 0x5ACED3: execute_sqlcom_select(THD*, TABLE_LIST*) (sql_parse.cc:4527)
==16436==    by 0x5A58B8: mysql_execute_command(THD*) (sql_parse.cc:2061)
==16436==    by 0x5AF212: mysql_parse(THD*, char const*, unsigned int, char const**) (sql_parse.cc:5594)
==16436==    by 0x5A32D9: dispatch_command(enum_server_command, THD*, char*, unsigned int) (sql_parse.cc:1024)
[5 Mar 2010 8:27] Tor Didriksen
New test case:

CREATE TABLE t1(a timestamp) engine=myisam;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2008-02-23 09:23:45'), ('2010-03-05 11:08:02');

With valgrind we get some warnings, and result:
2010-03-05 11:08:02
2008-02-23 09:23:45
2010-03-05 11:08:02

Without valgrind we get wrong result:
2008-02-23 09:23:45
2008-02-23 09:23:45
2010-03-05 11:08:02
[5 Mar 2010 8:30] Tor Didriksen
We are calling Field::val_str() when we have
table->status & STATUS_NO_RECORD
so it is tempting to add an assert to catch this case.
That is not possible however, since there is lots of manipulation
of Field::ptr going on, so sometimes it will actually point to valid data
even if no data is available from the underlying table.
[5 Mar 2010 9:13] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3122 Tor Didriksen	2010-03-05
      Bug#50888 valgrind warnings in Field_timestamp::val_str
      Ensure that we store the correct cached_field_type whenever we cache Field items
      (in this case it allows us to compare dates as dates, rather than strings)
     @ mysql-test/r/type_timestamp.result
        Add test case.
     @ mysql-test/t/type_timestamp.test
        Add test case.
     @ sql/item.h
        Initialize cached_field_type from the Field item.
[8 Mar 2010 14:34] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3119 Tor Didriksen	2010-03-08
      Bug#50888 valgrind warnings in Field_timestamp::val_str
      Ensure that we store the correct cached_field_type whenever we cache Field items
      (in this case it allows us to compare dates as dates, rather than strings)
     @ mysql-test/r/type_timestamp.result
        Add test case.
     @ mysql-test/t/type_timestamp.test
        Add test case.
     @ sql/item.h
        Initialize cached_field_type from the Field item.
[9 Mar 2010 14:55] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3119 Tor Didriksen	2010-03-09
      Bug#50888 valgrind warnings in Field_timestamp::val_str
      Ensure that we store the correct cached_field_type whenever we cache Field items
      (in this case it allows us to compare dates as dates, rather than strings)
     @ mysql-test/r/type_timestamp.result
        Add test case.
     @ mysql-test/t/type_timestamp.test
        Add test case.
     @ sql/item.h
        Initialize cached_field_type from the Field item.
[9 Mar 2010 15:47] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


3120 Tor Didriksen	2010-03-09
      Bug#50888 valgrind warnings in Field_timestamp::val_str
      Ensure that we store the correct cached_field_type whenever we cache Field items
      (in this case it allows us to compare dates as dates, rather than strings)
     @ mysql-test/r/type_timestamp.result
        Add test case.
     @ mysql-test/t/type_timestamp.test
        Add test case.
     @ sql/item.h
        Initialize cached_field_type from the Field item.
[10 Mar 2010 7:13] Alexander Nozdrin
Pushed into mysql-next-mr-bugfixing.
[10 Mar 2010 7:36] Tor Didriksen
pushed to
[10 Mar 2010 13:37] Bugs System
Pushed into 6.0.14-alpha (revid:alik@sun.com-20100310133305-0jdlngbtrkoqzckh) (version source revid:alik@sun.com-20100310132404-uqarl0o0vlra2kjx) (merge vers: 6.0.14-alpha) (pib:16)
[10 Mar 2010 13:38] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.5.3-m3 (revid:alik@sun.com-20100310132634-zpyjzn346sgrm59u) (version source revid:alik@sun.com-20100310132634-zpyjzn346sgrm59u) (merge vers: 5.5.3-m3) (pib:16)
[10 Mar 2010 13:39] Bugs System
Pushed into mysql-next-mr (revid:alik@sun.com-20100310132718-l0tegumhbg8umgjd) (version source revid:alik@sun.com-20100310132252-kpi29r22kjtl493x) (pib:16)
[15 Mar 2010 7:36] Tor Didriksen
Aggregate functions on timestamp columns could yield wrong/undefined results.
[11 Dec 2010 18:01] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.5.3 changelog.