Bug #50772 purge reached the head of the history list
Submitted: 31 Jan 2010 23:23 Modified: 6 Apr 2010 21:09
Reporter: Johnny C.L. Email Updates:
Status: Duplicate Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engine Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.42 OS:Windows (Windows 2008 y 2003)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: purge

[31 Jan 2010 23:23] Johnny C.L.
100131 18:50:20 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
100131 18:57:19 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
100131 18:57:26  InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 60 2135612855
100131 18:57:26 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
100131 18:57:26 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.1.42-community'  socket: ''  port: 3307  MySQL Community Server (GPL)
100131 18:57:27  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401368! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:56:00  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401373! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:56:32  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401381! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:57:09  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401383! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:57:38  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401386! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:57:55  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401392! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:58:34  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401398! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:59:09  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401400! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 18:59:38  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401402! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:00:07  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401404! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:00:36  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401406! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:01:06  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401408! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:01:35  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401410! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:02:04  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401412! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:02:33  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401414! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:03:02  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401416! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:03:31  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401418! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:04:00  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401420! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:04:29  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401422! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:06:14  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401427! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:06:45  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401429! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:07:14  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401431! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:07:44  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401433! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:08:13  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401435! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:08:42  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401437! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:09:11  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401439! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com
100131 19:09:40  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 401441! Make a detailed bug
InnoDB: report, and submit it to http://bugs.mysql.com

This is Happening and i cant find a fix for this.

How to repeat:
Every time we START the Service/
[1 Feb 2010 7:33] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Looks like error list was truncated when you posted bug report. Please provide full error log file.

Please also provide output of `DIR path/to/MySQL/datadir` and configuration file.
[1 Feb 2010 17:34] Johnny C.L.
Error is Complete
This Warning is firing every 30 Sec average

100201 13:28:02  InnoDB: Warning: purge reached the head of the history list,
InnoDB: but its length is still reported as 382704! Make a detailed bug

Dir is Here

E:\MySQLData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data>dir
 Volume in drive E is New Volume
 Volume Serial Number is CE47-B132

 Directory of E:\MySQLData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data

02/01/2010  02:01 AM    <DIR>          .
02/01/2010  02:01 AM    <DIR>          ..
02/01/2010  09:10 AM    <DIR>          admcobro
02/01/2010  01:01 PM     5,387,583,488 ibdata1
02/01/2010  01:01 PM       652,214,272 ib_logfile0
02/01/2010  01:01 PM       652,214,272 ib_logfile1
01/23/2010  03:24 PM    <DIR>          mysql
02/01/2010  02:01 AM           339,820 SER0160.err
02/01/2010  02:01 AM                 5 SER0160.pid
01/13/2010  09:10 PM    <DIR>          test
               5 File(s)  6,692,351,857 bytes
               5 Dir(s)  27,564,785,664 bytes free

E:\MySQLData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data>

[2 Feb 2010 0:06] MySQL Verification Team
Looks like duplicate of http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=31123.
[2 Feb 2010 0:20] Johnny C.L.
This thread point me the other

and the other point me to here.

Nither have a Solution.

we are going to Backup / De-install MYSQL Database and RestoreDatabase.
(hope que fixed, its like 20GB data, but i dont want to get in risk later)
[6 Apr 2010 21:09] Calvin Sun
a dup of bug#31123.
[14 Jul 2016 12:52] MySQL Verification Team
Related Bug #82213