Bug #50196 | ndb_mgm REPORT MEMORY shows 2 Index memory status lines when using ndbmtd | ||
Submitted: | 8 Jan 2010 21:31 | Modified: | 5 Mar 2010 11:57 |
Reporter: | Paxos Paxos | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine | Severity: | S3 (Non-critical) |
Version: | mysql-5.1-telco-7.0 | OS: | Linux (2.6.29-vs2. |
Assigned to: | Magnus Blåudd | CPU Architecture: | Any |
Tags: | 7.0.9, NDB_MGM, ndbmtd, report memory |
[8 Jan 2010 21:31]
Paxos Paxos
[8 Jan 2010 21:44]
Paxos Paxos
Our config.ini: [TCP DEFAULT] #SendBufferMemory=2M #ReceiveBufferMemory=2M #OverloadLimit=128000 [NDB_MGMD DEFAULT] DataDir=/var/lib/mysql-cluster [NDB_MGMD] Id=201 HostName= ArbitrationRank=1 # db-mgmt-01 vserver on host-db-01.phx1.good.net [NDB_MGMD] Id=202 HostName= ArbitrationRank=2 # db-mgmt-02 vserver on host-db-02.phx1.good.net [NDBD DEFAULT] NoOfReplicas=2 MaxNoOfExecutionThreads=4 TotalSendBufferMemory=50M DataDir=/var/lib/mysql-cluster FileSystemPath=/store1 FileSystemPathDD=/store0 MaxNoOfConcurrentOperations = 500000 MaxNoOfConcurrentTransactions = 64000 LockPagesInMainMemory=1 ODirect=1 DataMemory=5GB IndexMemory=500MB FragmentLogFileSize=256M NoOfFragmentLogFiles=12 RedoBuffer=32M SchedulerSpinTimer=400 SchedulerExecutionTimer=100 RealTimeScheduler=1 HeartbeatIntervalDbDb=3000 CompressedBackup=1 [NDBD] HostName= Id=1 NodeGroup=0 # db-data-01 vserver on host-db-01.phx1.good.net [NDBD] HostName= Id=2 NodeGroup=0 # db-data-02 vserver on host-db-02.phx1.good.net [NDBD] HostName= Id=3 NodeGroup=1 # db-data-03 vserver on host-db-03.phx1.good.net [NDBD] HostName= Id=4 NodeGroup=1 # db-data-03 vserver on host-db-04.phx1.good.net [MYSQLD] Id=101 HostName= # db-sql-01 vserver on host-db-01.phx1.good.net [MYSQLD] HostName= Id=102 # db-sql-02 vserver on host-db-02.phx1.good.net [MYSQLD] HostName= Id=103 # db-sql-03 vserver on host-db-03.phx1.good.net [MYSQLD] HostName= Id=104 # db-sql-04 vserver on host-db-04.phx1.good.net [MYSQLD] # slot reserved for api connects [MYSQLD] # slot reserved for api connects # 4*3 = 12 extra mysqld entries needed for connection pooling [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD] [MYSQLD]
[8 Jan 2010 22:18]
Paxos Paxos
DOES NOT happen when using ndbd, only ndbmtd.
[11 Jan 2010 22:10]
Gustaf Thorslund
Paxos, Thanks for your bug report. I've verified it using the current source from the development tree. Used a stripped down version of the provided config.ini running on localhost. hillbilly% bzr version-info revision-id: magnus.blaudd@sun.com-20100107192300-72w6dhp4m20mlva0 date: 2010-01-07 20:23:00 +0100 build-date: 2010-01-11 23:06:23 +0100 revno: 3327 branch-nick: mysql-cluster-7.0 Node 1: Index usage is 1%(12 8K pages of total 800) Node 1: Index usage is 1%(13 8K pages of total 800) Node 1: Data usage is 1%(25 32K pages of total 2048) Node 2: Index usage is 1%(12 8K pages of total 800) Node 2: Index usage is 1%(13 8K pages of total 800) Node 2: Data usage is 1%(25 32K pages of total 2048) Node 3: Index usage is 1%(13 8K pages of total 800) Node 3: Index usage is 1%(12 8K pages of total 800) Node 3: Data usage is 1%(25 32K pages of total 2048) Node 4: Index usage is 1%(13 8K pages of total 800) Node 4: Index usage is 1%(12 8K pages of total 800) Node 4: Data usage is 1%(25 32K pages of total 2048) /Gustaf
[12 Jan 2010 14:18]
Martin Skold
This is expected behaviour in the multi-threaded implementation. Maybe printout should be more clear what thread each line belongs to.
[12 Jan 2010 16:53]
Jon Stephens
I have updated the documentation with a note about the multiple "Index usage" entries: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/96646 However, I'm also returning this bug to Verified status. Reason: Single-threaded and multi-threaded data nodes report memory usage in different order, as observed with recent 7.0 build from tree. This is when using 2 ndbd's: ndb_mgm> all report memory ndb_mgm> Node 1: Data usage is 0%(4 32K pages of total 3200) Node 1: Index usage is 0%(8 8K pages of total 12832) Node 2: Data usage is 0%(4 32K pages of total 3200) Node 2: Index usage is 0%(8 8K pages of total 12832) ndb_mgm> ----- This is when using 2 ndbmtd's (and MaxNoOfExecutionThreads = 8): ndb_mgm> all report memory Node 1: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) Node 1: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) Node 1: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) Node 1: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) ndb_mgm> Node 1: Data usage is 0%(16 32K pages of total 3200) Node 2: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) Node 2: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) Node 2: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) Node 2: Index usage is 0%(6 8K pages of total 3232) Node 2: Data usage is 0%(16 32K pages of total 3200) (You then have to hit [ENTER] to return to the 'ndb_mgm>' prompt.) ----- There are 3 problems/issues here that warrant attention: 1. Spurious insertion of 'ndb_mgm>' prompt in the middle of the report. This happens whether ndbd or ndbmtd is used. This is just sloppy IMO and shouldn't happen. 2. When using ndbd, Data memory usage is reported first; when using ndbmtd, index memory is reported first. There's no reason I can see for this inconsistency. Furthermore, since the behaviour has always been to show the data memory usage first, we should continue to do so whether data nodes are single-threaded or multi-threaded. 3. In addition, as Martin has already noted, we should add the thread ID in the output.
[3 Mar 2010 10:32]
Magnus Blåudd
Fixed by patch for bug#31542 Pushed to 6.3.33, 7.0.14 and 7.1.2-beta
[3 Mar 2010 10:36]
Magnus Blåudd
Clarification - there is now only _one_ line per memory type per node. - the report is requested synchronously so there should be no ndb_mgm> prompt in the middle. - the order of index/data memory is now deterministic - the data memory report is sent before index memory from Cmvmi.
[3 Mar 2010 13:49]
Jon Stephens
Documented as follows in the NDB-6.3.33 changelog: The ndb_mgm client sometimes inserted extra ndb_mgm> prompts within the output of the REPORT MEMORYUSAGE command. Documented as follows in the NDB-7.0.14 and 7.1.2 changelogs: The following issues were fixed in the ndb_mgm client REPORT MEMORYUSAGE command: · The client sometimes inserted extra ndb_mgm> prompts within the output. · For data nodes running ndbmtd, IndexMemory was reported before DataMemory. · Also for data nodes running ndbmtd, there were multiple IndexMemory entries in the output. Reverted note in mysql-cluster-mgm-client-commands mentioned in a previous comment. Closed.
[4 Mar 2010 14:31]
Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next version. You can access the patch from: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/102325
[4 Mar 2010 15:14]
Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.41-ndb-6.3.33 (revid:magnus.blaudd@sun.com-20100304143116-0ckqk1jief823upu) (version source revid:magnus.blaudd@sun.com-20100304143116-0ckqk1jief823upu) (merge vers: 5.1.41-ndb-6.3.33) (pib:16)
[4 Mar 2010 15:15]
Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.41-ndb-7.0.14 (revid:magnus.blaudd@sun.com-20100304143500-s7ofn4cdyh6d7wg0) (version source revid:magnus.blaudd@sun.com-20100304143500-s7ofn4cdyh6d7wg0) (merge vers: 5.1.41-ndb-7.0.14) (pib:16)
[5 Mar 2010 11:57]
Jon Stephens
No additional changelog entry required; re-closed.