Bug #49422 Data Modeling window handling very broken
Submitted: 3 Dec 2009 21:08 Modified: 15 Dec 2009 11:49
Reporter: Kolbe Kegel Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.10 4686 OS:Linux (mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.10-1ubu804-amd64.deb)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Dec 2009 21:08] Kolbe Kegel
I believe the intent is that WB should allow only one MySQL Model to be open at any time. If a MySQL Model is open and the user attempts to open another MySQL Model, the behavior of the application is very confusing and problematic.

If a model is open and an attempt is made to create a new model, another MySQL Model tab is created, the contents of the original tab are obliterated, and an attempt to close the original tab (which has no contents), the *new* model is closed and the empty tab remains, while at the same time the toolbar disappears entirely. Other combinations of existing models, new models, and multiple open copies of the same model have "interesting" and clearly erroneous effects.

How to repeat:
as above

Suggested fix:
If the intent is to allow only one model to be open at any given time, the app should close existing MySQL Model tabs before the new MySQL Tab is created.
[14 Dec 2009 17:52] Johannes Taxacher
this has been fixed.
will be included in 5.2.11
[15 Dec 2009 11:49] Tony Bedford
A 'change' entry has been added to the 5.2.11 changelog:

MySQL Workbench had confusing and erroneous behavior when attempting to handle multiple model tabs. It has now been changed so that if a model is currently loaded, and a new model or saved model needs to be loaded, the current model will be closed first before then opening the new model.