Bug #49420 Invalid config values written
Submitted: 3 Dec 2009 20:45 Modified: 22 Jan 2010 14:09
Reporter: Todd Farmer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.2.10 r4680 OS:Any
Assigned to: Maksym Yehorov CPU Architecture:Any

[3 Dec 2009 20:45] Todd Farmer
I tried to use WB to set up table-based logging.  I checked the "Write logs to:" box and selected "Tables" from the drop down.  This added the following line:

log-output = Tables

(note I cannot verify that this is what WB would have actually written, since I can only get the preview page - WB says it writes to the file, but the contents don't change.  I had to copy from the preview and paste into my.ini file).

However, MySQL refuses to start with this option:

D:\mysql-5.1.39-win32>bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=..\general.ini --console
091203 12:38:59 [Warning] The syntax '--log' is deprecated and will be removed i
n MySQL 7.0. Please use '--general_log'/'--general_log_file' instead.
091203 12:38:59 [Warning] The syntax '--log_slow_queries' is deprecated and will
 be removed in MySQL 7.0. Please use '--slow_query_log'/'--slow_query_log_file'
Wrong option to log-output. Option(s) given: Tables
Alternatives are: 'NONE','FILE','TABLE'
: No error
091203 12:38:59 [ERROR] Aborting

Configuring a server so that it refuses to start is a significant problem.

How to repeat:
See above.

Suggested fix:
Fix so that the correct option argument is supplied.
[3 Dec 2009 20:46] Todd Farmer
Appears to impact all options, and continues to add entries instead of updating them, as I tried each of the options, ending with:

log-output = Tables

log-output = Files


log-output = Disable Logging

[3 Dec 2009 20:53] Todd Farmer
Looks like this is the case for all drop-downs, actually:

query_cache_type = Cache all queries except SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE
query_cache_type = Cache all queries except SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE
lower_case_table_names = 1- Store in Lowercase, Case Insensitive

This all makes MySQL server very unhappy.
[3 Dec 2009 20:57] Kolbe Kegel
Affects all OSes, apparently.
[3 Dec 2009 20:58] Todd Farmer
http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=49008 is the bug report dealing with WB's failure to write to configuration file.  Trying to test around that currently by assuming that the preview file is what would actually be written.
[12 Jan 2010 12:27] Mike Lischke
Adjusted synopsis to reflect better what this report is about.
[15 Jan 2010 17:20] Maksym Yehorov
[20 Jan 2010 11:10] Johannes Taxacher
this has been fixed. will be included in 5.2.13
[22 Jan 2010 14:09] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.13 changelog:

Invalid values were written to the MySQL server configuration file by the configuration editor. MySQL Workbench also added new entries to the configuration file, rather than update the existing entries. As a result of the this the server failed to start.