Bug #49364 Unhandled exception trying to apply ALTER TABLE
Submitted: 2 Dec 2009 20:10 Modified: 6 Jan 2010 16:07
Reporter: Todd Farmer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[2 Dec 2009 20:10] Todd Farmer
WB gets unhandled exception when trying to add a new column.  New column was VARCHAR(45), no boxes checked.  Clicking apply brings up exception message instead of review/confirmation page.

Attaching JIT info

How to repeat:
Unsure, appears frequently, and once it does, it repeats each time I try to apply the changes on that table, but I cannot repeat it by trying to execute the same exact change after a fresh restart of WB.

Suggested fix:
No more exception.
[2 Dec 2009 20:10] Todd Farmer
Unhandled exception details

Attachment: wb exception.txt (text/plain), 7.49 KiB.

[4 Jan 2010 10:37] Mike Lischke
Since this problem cannot be reproduced reliably, I added an extra check for the image path in the wizard, which seems to be the core of the problem, according to the JIT call stack dump.
[5 Jan 2010 19:01] Johannes Taxacher
problem not repeatable anymore in current build. fix will be included in 5.2.12
[6 Jan 2010 16:07] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.12 changelog:

MySQL Workbench generated an unhandled exception when trying to add a new column using the Alter Table facility in the SQL Editor. After the VARCHAR(45) column was added, without selecting any column checkboxes, the exception occurred when the Apply button was clicked.