Bug #49234 Discard option is useless (dangerous)
Submitted: 30 Nov 2009 21:15 Modified: 8 Dec 2009 14:22
Reporter: Todd Farmer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2 r4643 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Maksym Yehorov CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Nov 2009 21:15] Todd Farmer
In testing whether the new build if WB 5.2 saves configuration files, I got in a little bit of a loop where one change was already reflected in the file (although I had not saved it, and unselecting the option didn't remove it).  That's subject matter for another future bug report, but I thought I would push the "discard" button to get back to my original settings.  It doesn't do that, and instead removes every single setting on that page.

I can't say that this behavior is useful - having a "revert" option would be much, much better.  I'm not sure I can envision a use case where the current "Discard" mechanism would prove useful, but I can easily picture scenarios where it may result in significant problems.

How to repeat:
Press "discard"

Suggested fix:
Remove "discard", hopefully replace it with "revert".
[30 Nov 2009 21:17] Todd Farmer
Furthermore, when one uses the "discard" button, the options on the selected page change, but when one pushes "apply", there is nothing to be seen in the preview changes.
[30 Nov 2009 21:23] Todd Farmer
Slightly less dangerous because it appears to be broken, too.  Clicking "apply" after "discard" shows no diff, and the resulting file appears to be unchanged.
[1 Dec 2009 16:50] Maksym Yehorov
Thanks for the report. Discard button resets configuration page and reload values from the .my.cnf(ini) file. Though there was bug in there, values were not loaded. That is fixed.
[4 Dec 2009 22:36] Johannes Taxacher
this has been fixed and will be included in 5.2.10
[8 Dec 2009 14:22] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.10 changelog:

In the configuration editor, in the Admin tab, the Discard button simply unchecked all options, rather than just those that had been checked during the current editing session. This made the button appear to have a “clear all” function, rather than the expected “revert changes” function.