Bug #49226 Remote server configuration requests SSH password after unchecking SSH option
Submitted: 30 Nov 2009 18:44 Modified: 18 Jan 2010 16:03
Reporter: Todd Farmer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2 r4643 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[30 Nov 2009 18:44] Todd Farmer
When configuring a new remote server, I uncheck the box labeled, "Enable SSH login based administration".  When I click "next", I receive a pop-up:

Input Password

Enter SSH password for @

How to repeat:
See above.

Suggested fix:
Don't prompt for SSH password when SSH administration is deselected.
[7 Jan 2010 19:16] Mark Grennan
I confirm.  This would be very useful.  I use a two part auth (Yubikey)so every login uses a different password.
[8 Jan 2010 15:02] Mike Lischke
Fixed in 5.2
[13 Jan 2010 17:05] Johannes Taxacher
fix confirmed. will be included in 5.2.12
[18 Jan 2010 16:03] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.12 changelog:

In the Create a new server instance wizard, if the checkbox Enable SSH login based administration was cleared, the wizard still prompted the user to enter an SSH password when the Next button was clicked.