Bug #49113 Export data to disk hangs
Submitted: 25 Nov 2009 20:29 Modified: 14 Dec 2009 17:26
Reporter: Todd Farmer (OCA) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.10 Beta OS:Linux (mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.10-1ubu804-amd64.deb)
Assigned to: Alexander Musienko CPU Architecture:Any

[25 Nov 2009 20:29] Todd Farmer
Trying to export data to disk, using "Export to project folder" option, the backup seems to hang after several tables are completed.  Checking PROCESSLIST on target server shows no connections, not sure what is hanging, but I've never been able to get this to complete in multiple attempts.

How to repeat:
See above.

Suggested fix:
Fix so that it completes.
[27 Nov 2009 3:50] Alfredo Kojima
Does the hang happen for any selection? What if you select to backup a single, empty table? Does it hang the same?
[27 Nov 2009 12:48] Alfredo Kojima
Also, can you attach a screenshot of the app in the "hanged" state?
[30 Nov 2009 11:46] Susanne Ebrecht
Two more questions:
Remote server or local server?

Could it be related to timeout?
[30 Nov 2009 14:16] Todd Farmer
It's all localhost, so seems unlikely there would be a timeout involved.  I'll download the new build and try to repeat it; I believe Kolbe and others also experienced this.
[1 Dec 2009 23:57] Todd Farmer
Unable to reproduce on 5.2.10 Windows.
[2 Dec 2009 0:16] Kolbe Kegel
I'm getting a hang with 5.2.10 on Ubuntu 8.04, but it doesn't seem to happen all the time. Progress Report tells me "Export is running ..." and "Statistics: 2 or 24 exported.". Here's the Log right now:

04:11:45 PM Dumping sakila (actor )
Running: mysqldump --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --password= --port --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --routines=FALSE --comments=TRUE --add-locks=TRUE --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE sakila actor 
mysqldump: unknown variable 'replace=FALSE'

04:11:45 PM Dumping sakila (actor_info )
Running: mysqldump --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --password= --port --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --routines=FALSE --comments=TRUE --add-locks=TRUE --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE sakila actor_info 
mysqldump: unknown variable 'replace=FALSE'

04:11:45 PM Dumping sakila (address )
Running: mysqldump --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --password= --port --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --routines=FALSE --comments=TRUE --add-locks=TRUE --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE sakila address
[2 Dec 2009 0:21] Kolbe Kegel
Actually I got the dump to work correctly the first time under 5.2.10 on Ubuntu 8.04 but now it seems to lock up pretty regularly. 2 of 24, 12 of 24, 15 of 24, etc.
[2 Dec 2009 16:22] Alfredo Kojima
It's a race condition, if an export command finishes quickly enough it hangs.
[14 Dec 2009 14:45] Johannes Taxacher
was not able to reproduce woth pre-5-2-11 build while i could repeat with 5.2.10 on ubuntu 8.04 amd64
will be included in 5.2.11
[14 Dec 2009 17:26] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.11 changelog:

When using the Data Dump facility on the Admin screen, the export process appeared to hang when exporting with the Export to Backup Project Folder radio button selected.
[3 Jun 2010 14:10] Irshad Valimamod

I'm trying to export my DB to a self-contained file and I'm getting this error:

16:04:21 Dumping sisreq (agente, destinatario, requisicao)

Running: "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqldump.exe" --defaults-extra-file=c:\users\irshad\appdata\local\temp\tmpliijpl  --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host=localhost --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user=root --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --add-locks=TRUE --port=3306 --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --comments=TRUE --default-character-set=utf8 --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE "sisreq" "agente" "destinatario" "requisicao"

mysqldump: unknown variable 'replace=FALSE'

Operation failed with exitcode 7

16:04:21 Export of C:\Users\Irshad\Documents\NetBeansProjects6.7.1\sisreq\Docs\DB Dumps\dump20100603.sql has finished with 1 errors

My system config:
MySQL 5.0.45-community-nt
MySQL Workbench OSS for Windows version 5.2.21
Win Vista x86

Any help will be much appreciated!

[3 Jun 2010 14:14] Irshad Valimamod
Same when I do Export to backup project folder.
[3 Jun 2010 14:28] Irshad Valimamod
Tried with command line tool and exported successfully:

mysqldump sisreq -u root -p > dmp.sql