Bug #49113 | Export data to disk hangs | ||
Submitted: | 25 Nov 2009 20:29 | Modified: | 14 Dec 2009 17:26 |
Reporter: | Todd Farmer (OCA) | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Workbench | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 5.2.10 Beta | OS: | Linux (mysql-workbench-oss-5.2.10-1ubu804-amd64.deb) |
Assigned to: | Alexander Musienko | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[25 Nov 2009 20:29]
Todd Farmer
[27 Nov 2009 3:50]
Alfredo Kojima
Does the hang happen for any selection? What if you select to backup a single, empty table? Does it hang the same?
[27 Nov 2009 12:48]
Alfredo Kojima
Also, can you attach a screenshot of the app in the "hanged" state?
[30 Nov 2009 11:46]
Susanne Ebrecht
Two more questions: Remote server or local server? Could it be related to timeout?
[30 Nov 2009 14:16]
Todd Farmer
It's all localhost, so seems unlikely there would be a timeout involved. I'll download the new build and try to repeat it; I believe Kolbe and others also experienced this.
[1 Dec 2009 23:57]
Todd Farmer
Unable to reproduce on 5.2.10 Windows.
[2 Dec 2009 0:16]
Kolbe Kegel
I'm getting a hang with 5.2.10 on Ubuntu 8.04, but it doesn't seem to happen all the time. Progress Report tells me "Export is running ..." and "Statistics: 2 or 24 exported.". Here's the Log right now: 04:11:45 PM Dumping sakila (actor ) Running: mysqldump --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --password= --port --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --routines=FALSE --comments=TRUE --add-locks=TRUE --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE sakila actor mysqldump: unknown variable 'replace=FALSE' 04:11:45 PM Dumping sakila (actor_info ) Running: mysqldump --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --password= --port --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --routines=FALSE --comments=TRUE --add-locks=TRUE --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE sakila actor_info mysqldump: unknown variable 'replace=FALSE' 04:11:45 PM Dumping sakila (address ) Running: mysqldump --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --password= --port --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --routines=FALSE --comments=TRUE --add-locks=TRUE --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE sakila address
[2 Dec 2009 0:21]
Kolbe Kegel
Actually I got the dump to work correctly the first time under 5.2.10 on Ubuntu 8.04 but now it seems to lock up pretty regularly. 2 of 24, 12 of 24, 15 of 24, etc.
[2 Dec 2009 16:22]
Alfredo Kojima
It's a race condition, if an export command finishes quickly enough it hangs.
[14 Dec 2009 14:45]
Johannes Taxacher
was not able to reproduce woth pre-5-2-11 build while i could repeat with 5.2.10 on ubuntu 8.04 amd64 will be included in 5.2.11
[14 Dec 2009 17:26]
Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.11 changelog: When using the Data Dump facility on the Admin screen, the export process appeared to hang when exporting with the Export to Backup Project Folder radio button selected.
[3 Jun 2010 14:10]
Irshad Valimamod
Hi I'm trying to export my DB to a self-contained file and I'm getting this error: 16:04:21 Dumping sisreq (agente, destinatario, requisicao) Running: "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin\mysqldump.exe" --defaults-extra-file=c:\users\irshad\appdata\local\temp\tmpliijpl --no-create-info=FALSE --order-by-primary=FALSE --force=FALSE --no-data=FALSE --tz-utc=TRUE --flush-privileges=FALSE --compress=FALSE --replace=FALSE --host=localhost --insert-ignore=FALSE --extended-insert=TRUE --user=root --quote-names=TRUE --hex-blob=FALSE --complete-insert=FALSE --add-locks=TRUE --port=3306 --disable-keys=TRUE --delayed-insert=FALSE --delete-master-logs=FALSE --comments=TRUE --default-character-set=utf8 --flush-logs=FALSE --dump-date=TRUE --allow-keywords=FALSE --create-options=TRUE --events=FALSE "sisreq" "agente" "destinatario" "requisicao" mysqldump: unknown variable 'replace=FALSE' Operation failed with exitcode 7 16:04:21 Export of C:\Users\Irshad\Documents\NetBeansProjects6.7.1\sisreq\Docs\DB Dumps\dump20100603.sql has finished with 1 errors My system config: MySQL 5.0.45-community-nt MySQL Workbench OSS for Windows version 5.2.21 Win Vista x86 Any help will be much appreciated! Irshad
[3 Jun 2010 14:14]
Irshad Valimamod
Same when I do Export to backup project folder.
[3 Jun 2010 14:28]
Irshad Valimamod
Tried with command line tool and exported successfully: mysqldump sisreq -u root -p > dmp.sql