Bug #49046 Foward engineer fails to generate when "Gen insert statements" is selected.
Submitted: 24 Nov 2009 17:43 Modified: 25 Nov 2009 16:04
Reporter: Alex W Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.8 - Rev 4572 OS:Windows (Vista Business)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[24 Nov 2009 17:43] Alex W
Forward engineer produces no SQL when "Generate INSERT Statements for Tables" is selected and tables have rows.

How to repeat:
Create a table with Primary key and varchar column, Enter couple rows of data into columns via the inserts tab.

Create second table with one PK column.

Use Forward engineer dialog to generate SQL, check the "Gen INSERT statements" option.

Click next until review.
[25 Nov 2009 10:25] Johannes Taxacher
verified with released version 5.2.8.
fixed in repository. fix will be included in 5.2.9
[25 Nov 2009 16:04] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.9 changelog:

The Forward Engineer SQL Script failed to generate SQL code when the checkbox Generate INSERT Statements for Tables was selected, and the tables contained rows.
[26 Feb 2010 21:19] Ed DeCoste
Still a problem with 5.2.15 and 5.2.16
[18 Apr 2010 0:36] Muralikrishna Srinivasan
I'm using Workbench 5.2.19 and i dont seem to have the INSERT feature enabled