Bug #48981 Expanding databases doesn't work reliably
Submitted: 23 Nov 2009 10:18 Modified: 2 Dec 2009 10:05
Reporter: Ángel Eduardo García Hernández Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.8 Beta OS:MacOS
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: expand, expanding

[23 Nov 2009 10:18] Ángel Eduardo García Hernández
Expanding databases in the schemata view doesn't work as expected in a few cases.

How to repeat:
Having at least 4 databases (I have to scroll down to see all my databases because I have at least 30 of them, so maybe this has something to do with the issue) do the following:

1. Connect to your server
2. Try to expand your databases from bottom to top

Sometimes, the arrow will rotate pointing bottom and just go back to pointing right again. When this happens, if you had any other database expanded, a few of them will collapse at random.

Sometimes you could expand one or two databases, and with the third or more, all of them will collapse.

Sometimes, the software will just crash.

Expanding from top to bottom slows down this issue (I can expand at least 4 or 5 before getting all of them collapsed again) but this is totally random.
[1 Dec 2009 2:06] Johannes Taxacher
fixed in repository. will be included in 5.2.10
[2 Dec 2009 9:20] Ángel Eduardo García Hernández
Thanks, it works great with the last version!

However, the first time I expand some schema in the Schemata view, the tables in the Overview tab gets bolder and "flashes" for a few seconds. Is this normal / expected? Thanks a lot!
[2 Dec 2009 10:05] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.10 changelog:

In the SQL Editor, the database explorer of the Schemata palette in the side panel did not work correctly. Incorrect behavior included random collapsing of expanded databases and occasional crashing.