Bug #48452 Improve Inserts-Editor (prevent loss of data)
Submitted: 31 Oct 2009 13:59 Modified: 26 Nov 2009 11:42
Reporter: Martin Kouba Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.18 OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: Sergei Tkachenko CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Improvement Feature Request

[31 Oct 2009 13:59] Martin Kouba
Since the input in the Inserts-Editor is still a bit clumsy it happened to me several times that I accidently hit ESC after inserting quite some data. Unfortunately the editor happily closes sending all newly inserted data into the data heaven.
I would love to see the ESC key either with no action at all or have at least a warn dialog that data will be lost.

How to repeat:
Insert lots of data using the Inserts-Editor and hit ESC

Suggested fix:
Remove ESC key binding or add a confirmation dialog
[3 Nov 2009 14:07] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Please try the version 5.2.6. Thanks in advance.
[4 Nov 2009 11:51] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. Verified as described.
[5 Nov 2009 12:36] Johannes Taxacher
Hello Martin,

what version have you been using when you tried 5.2 (which OS)? Would it be possible for you to submit the document you are using, or a document you created which causes WB to crash? (you can upload files as "private" so only we have access to it).

thanks in advance,
[13 Nov 2009 9:52] Susanne Ebrecht
The ESC behaviour is fixed in Workbench 5.2.

But the crash should not happen here.

This bug now is for the crash. I could reproduce it on Windows.
[24 Nov 2009 9:51] Sergei Tkachenko
Crash on opening of the provided model file is fixed.
[24 Nov 2009 12:13] Martin Kouba
Opening of Workbench 5.2.8 works now.
Also the opening of the mwb file works now.

What is not working is when I double click on the mwb file in Windows explorer.
In this case Workbench crashes.
[24 Nov 2009 16:14] Johannes Taxacher
fixed in repository. fix will be included in 5.2.9
[26 Nov 2009 11:42] Tony Bedford
A 'change' entry has been added to the 5.2.9 changelog:

If, while editing data in the Inserts Editor, the ESC key was accidentally pressed, the Inserts Editor would close without warning and all data entered to that point would be lost.

The improved Inserts Editor does not display this characteristic. Pressing the ESC key will have no effect.