Bug #48222 Input / output file text fields resize beyond visibility
Submitted: 22 Oct 2009 7:05 Modified: 6 Jan 2010 16:31
Reporter: Frank Quosdorf Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:OSS 5.1.18 OS:Windows (Vista)
Assigned to: Mike Lischke CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Oct 2009 7:05] Frank Quosdorf
- When invoking "Forward Engineer an Alter Script" for the first time after installing Workbench, the input and output file text fields and buttons are properly displayed; after executing and when invoking the same action another time, the file paths and names have widened both fields beyond the size of the pop-up window. Even resizing the pop-up window does not properly make the buttons visible (there is a limit as to how much the window can be resized); This will not be an issue with short paths / file names, but I use a rather long file path/name: E:\user_name\projects\current\project_name\SVN\DEV\project_name\DATABASE\MIGRATION\CREATE\project_name_create_xx.sql
- The same issue applies to the "Forward Engineer SQL Script" pop-up window, but in this case, the window cannot even be resized to see the button. Thus, if the file name needs to be changed, it can only be done manually, not by picking a file.
- This is particularly annoying in conjunction with bug #48221

My laptop is equipped with a 1024 x 768 pixel display

How to repeat:
- Invoke and execute the "Forward Engineer an Alter Script" action using a long output file path and name such as [drive]:\user_name\projects\current\project_name\SVN\DEV\project_name\DATABASE\MIGRATION\CREATE\project_name_create_xx.sql
- Invoke the same action again, and the text fields for input and output file text fields will have widened their size beyond full visibility (to the right) also moving the button out of sight

Suggested fix:
The file text fields should not be resized according to file path/name length, but should stay the same, fix size.
[4 Jan 2010 14:02] Mike Lischke
Fixed in 5.2
[5 Jan 2010 19:10] Johannes Taxacher
fix confirmed. will be included in 5.2.12
[6 Jan 2010 16:31] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.12 changelog:

In the Forward Engineer an ALTER Script wizard, the textfields and associated buttons for selecting input and output files were not positioned correctly within the window, when the selected filename was long. Although the files could be selected when the wizard was first launched, if the wizard was launched subsequently, the text fields would be filled with the previously selected filenames, causing the textfields and Browse buttons to be located beyond the borders of the window.

A similar problem also affected the Forward Engineer SQL Script wizard.
[11 Jan 2010 11:27] Johannes Taxacher
Bug #50217 has been marked as duplicate of this one