Bug #4731 Table-completion fails
Submitted: 23 Jul 2004 21:12 Modified: 12 May 2005 20:29
Reporter: Gili Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Command-line Clients Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:4.0.20a OS:Windows (Windows XP sp1)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[23 Jul 2004 21:12] Gili
Table auto-complete was working fine for mysql.exe back in version 4.0.15 but it is broken in 4.0.20a.

mysqlc.exe's table completion works fine.

I have auto-rehash enabled and yet when I enable mysql.exe it does not display the standard "Reading table information for completion of table and column names" message as it used to.

How to repeat:
1) Enter mysql.exe
2) use database test
3) select * from auction<tab>

   Assuming a database called 'test' exists and a table called 'auctionlist' exists within that database.

Suggested fix:
Diff against 4.0.15 and investigate the changes.
[25 Jul 2004 21:58] MySQL Verification Team
Sergei: The readline library changes ?
[30 Jul 2004 19:00] Sergei Golubchik
Are you sure it was mysql.exe and not mysqlc.exe in 4.0.15 that you tried ?
As far as I know command completion NEVER worked in mysql.exe but only in mysqlc.exe
[30 Jul 2004 23:09] Gili
Yes, I am 100% sure I was using mysql.exe before and table auto-completion was working. I've been using the older release for almost a year when I recently upgraded to 4.0.20a and it suddenly stopped working.

Frankly I don't understand why mysql.exe should not have it working. Either way this is something you should add/fix.
[31 Jul 2004 10:47] Sergei Golubchik
I was not able to repeat it.
I just downloaded 4.0.15 - command completion in mysql.exe is NOT working, as expected.

It was never working in mysql.exe because we were not able to make readline to compile with VC++. mysqlc.exe is a cygwin build, and it is linked with readline.
[9 May 2005 21:38] Gili
Seeing as there is no more cygwin build (at least not in 4.1.11-nt), can we reopen this issue as an enhancement request to make yet another attempt to fix this issue? It is extremely painful to operate without tab-completion.
[11 Nov 2008 8:57] Michael Pliskin
It looks like there is such a thing as a windows build of readline: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/readline.htm - maybe you can try re-use this code?
[29 Nov 2008 0:46] Gili T.
Can someone from the MySQL team please reopen this issue? We need to investigate whether the version Michael mentioned is usable. This is a major usability issue under Windows!
[29 Nov 2008 1:08] Gili T.
Can someone from the MySQL team please reopen this issue? We need to investigate whether the version Michael mentioned is usable. This is a major usability issue under Windows!
[29 Nov 2008 1:09] Gili T.
Sorry for the duplicate post :(