Bug #47115 | Unhandled Exception when overwriting exported sql file | ||
Submitted: | 3 Sep 2009 22:25 | Modified: | 11 Sep 2009 14:59 |
Reporter: | Dan Cook | Email Updates: | |
Status: | Closed | Impact on me: | |
Category: | MySQL Workbench | Severity: | S2 (Serious) |
Version: | 5.1.18 | OS: | Windows (XP) |
Assigned to: | Johannes Taxacher | CPU Architecture: | Any |
[3 Sep 2009 22:25]
Dan Cook
[3 Sep 2009 22:29]
Dan Cook
Exception Log
Attachment: exception.log (application/octet-stream, text), 6.60 KiB.
[3 Sep 2009 22:40]
MySQL Verification Team
Not repeatable on Linux Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit.
[3 Sep 2009 22:44]
Alfredo Kojima
Please try with the zip package, I suspect it's a packaging bug.
[3 Sep 2009 22:51]
Dan Cook
Yes - This is a packaging issue. The Zip version of windows pops up a dialog instead of crashing.
[3 Sep 2009 22:54]
Alfredo Kojima
Thank you for the heads up and feedback. We will remake the MSI and upload a new package as soon as possible.
[7 Sep 2009 12:19]
Johannes Taxacher
this was (as already mentioned) a packaging error. we replaced the faulty windows package with a corrected one: mysql-workbench-oss-5.1.18a-win32.msi
[11 Sep 2009 14:59]
Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.18 changelog: MySQL Workbench generated an unhandled exception when using File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script. The exception was generated if an attempt was made to generate a script so that it wrote over a script already created.