Bug #46635 Impossible to connect to any MySQL DB Server.
Submitted: 10 Aug 2009 19:09 Modified: 28 Aug 2009 7:19
Reporter: Alex Kudryahsov Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.16 OS:Any
Assigned to: Sergei Tkachenko CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: db_connection, workbench

[10 Aug 2009 19:09] Alex Kudryahsov
Strange mistake, when trying connect to any MySQL server from the WorkBench on Mac Os X. It say: 
Connection 'Server' could not be established: No bool value passed for CLIENT_COMPRESS
And nothing helped, even full delete of the app with preferences.

How to repeat:
Start WorkBench 5.2.2a on Mac Os X 10.5.8 and try to connect to any MySQL server even without login@pass
[10 Aug 2009 22:05] MySQL Verification Team
Not repeatable on Linux Ubuntu 64-bit.
[11 Aug 2009 8:45] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report.

We are not able to repeat this.

Is the server placed on same machine, same network or is it somewhere outside?

Did you made advanced connection settings?

Something like using SSL or compression protocol?
[11 Aug 2009 9:04] Alex Kudryahsov
Well, it seems like it's a problem of using old connections from previous version of WorkBench, because i have two equal connections, one from the previous version and one from the current 5.2.2 and the previous connection doesn't work and give this error.
May be while creating connection in new version you just set this parameter by default and in previous version it wasn't used.
Thanks for quick reply, i'll stay on 5.2.2 =)
[11 Aug 2009 9:11] Susanne Ebrecht
What exactly do you mean with previous version?

Previous like Workbench 5.1 or Previous like Workbench 5.2.x.
[11 Aug 2009 9:12] Alex Kudryahsov
Sorry, by previous i mean 5.2.1.
[11 Aug 2009 11:41] Sergei Tkachenko
Affects both 5.1 & 5.2 branches. Irrelevant to OS.
[14 Aug 2009 15:00] Johannes Taxacher
fix will be included in 5.1.17
[28 Aug 2009 7:19] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.17 changelog:

When trying to connect to a server from MySQL Workbench the following error was generated:

Connection 'Server' could not be established: No bool value passed for CLIENT_COMPRESS

This occurred when using connections created in MySQL Workbench 5.2.1 with 5.2.2.
[7 Oct 2009 19:53] Walter Heck
Still happens on 5.2.4.
I had some version of 5.2 running way back, but don't remember which one..

If you need more info i'd be happy to provide :)