Bug #46230 query summary info popup reloads page when hidden
Submitted: 16 Jul 2009 14:59 Modified: 20 Jul 2009 10:59
Reporter: Josh Sled Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: Josh Sled CPU Architecture:Any

[16 Jul 2009 14:59] Josh Sled
The query summary info popup on the BrowseQueries page will force a page reload after any hide.  This affects both the user pressing the hide button, as well as the links on the "Example" and "Explain" tabs that cause the query summary info popup to be hidden, and the quan config popup to be shown instead.

How to repeat:
See description.
[16 Jul 2009 17:15] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Josh Sled writes: 
revno: 7357
revision-id: jsled@asynchronous.org-20090716150528-83qks0inaeqqq3b4
parent: jsled@asynchronous.org-20090716144830-yx5x60ec7mutfi74
committer: Josh Sled <jsled@asynchronous.org>
branch nick: local
timestamp: Thu 2009-07-16 11:05:28 -0400
  EM-3458, Bug#46230: the BaseJSONAction forces "doRefresh" if we don't have a submit handler and don't have any errors, which causes the underlying page to reload on hide; add a nop submit handler 
to prevent this. :p
[16 Jul 2009 19:03] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Andy Bang writes: 
In build
[17 Jul 2009 21:50] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Marcos Palacios writes: 
Verified fixed in build
[20 Jul 2009 10:59] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 2.1.0 changelog:

In the Enterprise Dashboard, the query summary information popup on the BrowseQueries page forced a page reload after any hide. This affected both the user pressing the hide button, as well as the links on the Example and Explain tabs that caused the query summary information popup to be hidden, and the Query Analyzer config popup to be shown instead.