Bug #45478 Error when trying to bring up What's New configure popup in IE 8
Submitted: 12 Jun 2009 19:22 Modified: 17 Jul 2009 9:51
Reporter: Marcos Palacios Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version: OS:Windows
Assigned to: Josh Sled CPU Architecture:Any

[12 Jun 2009 19:22] Marcos Palacios
Internet Explorer 8 has some issues with displaying the MEM dashboard. I was able to login on it, then I did:
- click on the Graphs tab
- set the refresh rate to 2 mins
- expanded all graphs
- selected one db server from the tree
- when it refreshed automatically, it closed the db server tree, collapsed all graphs and turned the refresh rate to 'Off'
then I did:
- click on the Query Analyzer tab and got a white page with the error 
 "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
(see attachment)
- click the 'Refresh (F5)' button on the browser and got the same error

This IE ver. 8.0.6001.18702 is an update from the previous IE (ver. 7) as suggested by the weekly update on Windows XP. Settings were supposedly migrated by default.

How to repeat:
see description above
[15 Jun 2009 19:04] Bill Weber
tried IE8 and was unable to reproduce any of the issues listed (kept tree and graphs expanded, and refresh rate set to 2 mins)
[15 Jun 2009 23:44] Marcos Palacios
Using IE 8 (on Windows XP) *and only sometimes*, the browser will stop the refresh (sets refresh to 'Off') and close the trees (servers and graphs in Graphs page), then (in this case) when I expand the graphs again, it shows just the areas where the graphs would be rendered with a red "X", at this point I can click on another tab and get the "IE cannot display the webpage" error.
This seems to be that the cache has an issue because if I restart IE and clean the cache, then all is good again (but NOT until I do these 2 steps).
[16 Jun 2009 16:03] Andy Bang
I left the Graphs tab open overnight with Refresh set to "Every 2 Minutes" and had no problems -- everything was still working fine in the morning.  This is with IE 8 on Windows XP.  Looked at other tabs and popups and they all seemed fine, too.

However, when I clicked "configure what's new" on the What's New tab, I got the following error:

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Timestamp: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 15:53:10 UTC

Message: '_blocker.style' is null or not an object
Line: 2433
Char: 3
Code: 0
URI: http://localhost:8080/Monitor2/web/resources/js/render/full.js?B=
=== END ERROR ===

So then I clicked "configure" on several other tabs (Graphs, Query Analyzer) and they worked fine.  So I went back to What's New and clicked "configure" again, and this time it worked fine.
[17 Jun 2009 16:22] Bill Weber
i get the same error as andy when clicking on "configure what's new"
[2 Jul 2009 21:57] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Josh Sled writes: 
Note that this very intermittent, in my experience.  I find it hard to reliably trigger the problem, though I have seen it on more than once occurrance.

Another maybe-related error I've seen is a javascript alert of the string "[object Object]"; we have very few alert() calls in our code, but one if them in particular is in the popup code, in an couple of error-handling cases.
[8 Jul 2009 18:38] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Josh Sled writes: 
revno: 7338
revision-id: jsled@asynchronous.org-20090708170030-3zwgt4a1a8yzyoew
parent: jsled@asynchronous.org-20090708165840-lkifgk8nnm36cz3z
committer: Josh Sled <jsled@asynchronous.org>
branch nick: local
timestamp: Wed 2009-07-08 13:00:30 -0400
  Bug#45478, EM-3361: use jquery's document.onReady handling instead of "ours", because jQuery's is more complete (like immediately invoking listeners added after the page is ready) there should rea
lly be only one (to prevent weird race conditions because ours didn't invoke listeners added after the page is ready).
[8 Jul 2009 23:00] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Keith Russell writes: 
Patch applied in versions =>
[10 Jul 2009 3:52] Enterprise Tools JIRA Robot
Marcos Palacios writes: 
Verified fixed in service manager build
[17 Jul 2009 9:51] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 2.1.0 changelog:

In Enterprise Dashboard, when clicking on configure what's new in the What's New? tab, an error occurred. This only happened when using Internet Explorer 8.

[Note: In the actual changelog markup is used to delineate the GUI labels]