Bug #45472 Cannot Resize Text Object in MySQL Workbench on Mac
Submitted: 12 Jun 2009 15:46 Modified: 6 Aug 2009 10:27
Reporter: Justin Noel Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.13 RC, 5.2.1 OS:Any
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: CHECKED, Text Object, workbench

[12 Jun 2009 15:46] Justin Noel
I cannot resize a text object.  When I create the text object and add text to it, it automatically resizes to a length as long as necessary.  However, I can't use any of the adjustment handles to change it's shape. 

For example, this text:

Table "provider" : This table will be automatically dropped and created each day from the GOPS provider table

The text above appears as a single line (very long) object across the screen.  I'd like to change it to a square that has several lines in it.  

How to repeat:
Create a text object.  
Add a very long string in the text field.
Click anywhere on the page to get the text object to auto resize.
Attempt to drag the resize handles.  
You cannot adjust the shape.

Click the text object and then view the properties tab.
See that "Manual Sizing" is in fact selected.
Unclick Manual Sizing.  
Try to change the shape, it will not work.
Reclick Manual Sizing.
Try to change the shape, it will not change.

Try changing shape with various combinations of "Expanded" and "Manual Sizing" selected.  Nothing works.

Suggested fix:
Allow manual resizing of text objects in Workbench on Mac.
[12 Jun 2009 16:21] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the problem report. Verified just as described.
[15 Jun 2009 8:00] Michael G. Zinner
Workaround till fixed: When you doubleclick the text figure on the canvas you can use the Return/Enter key as usual to add linebreaks to the text. This way you can format the text the way you like and not have it as a single line.
[3 Aug 2009 13:32] Alfredo Kojima
This has been implemented for 5.1 and 5.2
[5 Aug 2009 18:57] Johannes Taxacher
fix confirmed. will be in 5.1.17 and 5.2.3
[6 Aug 2009 10:27] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.17 and 5.2.3 changelogs:

In MySQL Workbench on Mac OS X, it was not possible to resize a Text Object on the EER Diagram canvas.

See also Bug#39887.