Bug #45110 Inconsistent results if alter table engine then forward engineer alter script
Submitted: 26 May 2009 22:59 Modified: 9 Feb 2010 16:20
Reporter: John Pancoast Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench: Modeling Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.2.1, 5.1.12 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 9.04, Mac OS X 10.5.6)
Assigned to: Alexander Musienko CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: alter, engine, export, forward, forward engineer, import, reverse, reverse engineer

[26 May 2009 22:59] John Pancoast
If you reverse engineer a script (import) which has tables with no engine defined, change the engine in workbench, forward engineer an alter script... the alter syntax to change the engine for the table doesn't get output. 

If however, you're import script's tables do have an engine defined and you change a table's engine in workbench, then forward engineer an alter script, the alter syntax is there as expected.

How to repeat:
1. import -> reverse engineer MySQL create script
2. Import a script that contains the following sql
   note: only the second table has engine defined
USE `mydb_test`;

-- this table doesn't specify ENGINE
CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mydb_test`.`table_noengine` (
  `idtable_noengine` INT NOT NULL ,
  PRIMARY KEY (`idtable_noengine`) );

-- this table uses MyISAM engine
CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mydb_test`.`table_MyISAM` (
  `idtable_MyISAM` INT NOT NULL ,
  PRIMARY KEY (`idtable_MyISAM`) )

3. In workbench, change the engine of both tables to InnoDB
4. export -> Forward Engineer SQL ALTER script
5. either export to a file or leave 'output file' blank to see the output.
6. output is the following


ALTER TABLE `mydb_test`.`table_MyISAM` ENGINE = InnoDB ;


Only the table 'table_MyISAM' with the engine specified
to begin with got an alter statement. 

Suggested fix:
Perhaps when importing a "default engine" should be set on tables with no engine defined.
[4 Jun 2009 12:34] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the bug report. Verified just as described with 5.1.12 on Mac OS X.
[5 Feb 2010 17:53] Johannes Taxacher
When importing tables from script which don't have a engine specified, WB will set the tables to "default engine". This "default engine" can be set in preferences -> MySQL. In case this preference is set to "innoDB" (which is the default for that specific setting), changing the table to InnoDB won't generate ALTER code for changing the engine of affected tables.
[9 Feb 2010 16:20] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.2.16 changelog:

If a schema that contained tables with no engine defined was reverse engineered, and then the engine type was changed in MySQL Workbench, then when the model was exported the ALTER script did not contain code to change the engine of the table.