Bug #4498 Export Table menu item and toolbar button never enabled
Submitted: 10 Jul 2004 2:25 Modified: 23 Jul 2004 2:16
Reporter: Steve Marshall Email Updates:
Status: Won't fix Impact on me:
Category:MySQLCC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:0.9.4 beta OS:Windows (Win XP)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Jul 2004 2:25] Steve Marshall
In using MySQLCC to build tables, I wanted to be able to export them to move them to a different machine.  But the toolbar button and menu item for "Export Table" remains disabled no matter what I do.  Maybe this is not yet implemented in this version??

How to repeat:
Build any table and try to export it.
[23 Jul 2004 2:16] Jorge del Conde
MySQLCC is not being maintained anymore.  No bugs will be fixed anymore and we strongly recommend that you use MySQLAdministrator and MySQL Query Browser.


Jorge del Conde
[21 Sep 2004 16:41] Richard
Thats to bad I have found mysqlcc to be the best program for interacting with the database and tables. 

I would rate it higher then query-browser - specially since it dont have an export to .sql script. (Neither does cc but it looked like it was going to) 

I even prefer it over Navicat which you have to buy. 
If Mysqlcc was a finished product id even pay money for it. 

Guess im stuck using phpmyadmin for exports 8(
[19 Oct 2004 10:05] Ashish Kulkarni

You can use Action -> Tools -> Show Create to get the Table Creation SQL Script.

However, to actually export table and data and subsiquently import it, you will have to use MySQL Administrator.

