Bug #44296 Linux edit window not expanded horizontally by default
Submitted: 15 Apr 2009 14:23 Modified: 26 May 2009 15:24
Reporter: Daniel Hallgren Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.10 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 32-bit)
Assigned to: Maksym Yehorov CPU Architecture:Any

[15 Apr 2009 14:23] Daniel Hallgren
When editing existing routines, the horizontal scroll-bar covers 100% of the visible area, no matter how long any of the rows are. This means that if a row expands outside the visible area, it is not possible to scroll sideways to see the rest of the row. All of the row is there, but the right part not visible.

A workaround is to move the cursor (using the keyboard) outside the visible area, and the area/scrolling will expand to that point (and stay that way until the editor is closed).

I have only tested this in Ubuntu 8.10 32-bit. I tried to repeat it in the windows-version (XP, 32-bit), but that editor does not show the procedure body at all.

How to repeat:
Open an existing routine for editing, that contains a row longer than the visible area. The horizontal scroll-bar does not allow scrolling sideways, until the cursor has been moved outside the visible area.
[15 Apr 2009 14:55] Maksym Yehorov
Fixed in rev #3946.
It will be in Beta2.
[6 May 2009 16:41] Johannes Taxacher
fixed in 5.1.12 beta
[26 May 2009 15:24] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.12 changelog:

When running on Ubuntu Linux the edit window in MySQL Workbench was not expanded horizontally by default.

When editing existing routines, the horizontal scroll-bar covered 100% of the visible area, no matter how long any of the rows are. This meant that if a row expanded outside the visible area, it was not possible to scroll sideways to see the rest of the row. All of the row was there, but the right part was not visible.