Bug #44268 Right-clicking an item on the "MySQL Model" tab does not de-select other items
Submitted: 14 Apr 2009 17:05 Modified: 22 Jun 2009 12:44
Reporter: Daniel Hallgren Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.10 OS:Linux (Ubuntu 8.10 x86)
Assigned to: Maksym Yehorov CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Apr 2009 17:05] Daniel Hallgren
When right-clicking on an item that is not selected, like a table or routine, on the "MySQL Model" tab - the item is selected without the other items are deselected. The expected behavior (as other applications behave in both Windows and Linux) is that right-clicking an item (that has not been selected) deselects all other items. Right-clicking an already selected item should not alter any of the selections.

This is really minor - just a small inconvenience when used to work in this way.

How to repeat:
Open a model containing several tables and/or routines. Right click one of the tables/routines and select "Edit" in the context menu. Right-click another table/routine. Both are now selected, and the context-menu does not contain any "Edit"-option.

Suggested fix:
If right-clicking on an item, check if the item is already selected - and if not, call the left-click routine first (which deselects other items, just as expected).
[14 Apr 2009 18:18] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I couldn't repeat on Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit with Sakila.mwb model maybe something in your model or I misunderstood how you did. Thanks in advance.
[15 Apr 2009 9:52] Daniel Hallgren
I just tried it in a clean install of Ubuntu 8.04 (32-bit), with a model created from scratch - and I can repeat it. However, I can't repeat it in Windows XP (where it works as expected). If it can't be repeated in Ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, that suggests the problem is limited to the 32-bit version, or some library it depends on.

In case there were some misunderstandings, here is a step-by-step guide to reproduce the problem:
1) Open sakila.mwb.
2) Click the "MySQL Model" tab.
3) Click the "sakila MySQL Schema" tab.
4) Right-click the "actor" table item and choose "Edit Table".
5) Right-click the "city" table item, without left-clicking anywhere first.
If the problem exists, both "actor" and "city" are now selected, and the context-menu does not contain the option "Edit Table".
[15 Apr 2009 15:55] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. With last step by step instructions I was able to repeat.
[17 Jun 2009 14:10] Daniel Hallgren
I'm not sure if it should be considered a new bug or is related to this - but in 5.1.13, the context-menu only contains "Paste" when right-clicking a table or routine. The "Edit"-option is gone.
[17 Jun 2009 16:31] Maksym Yehorov
Fixed in rev. #4133
[18 Jun 2009 16:12] Johannes Taxacher
this has been corrected now.
- right-click correctly clears previous selection (and addresses the currently clicked item).
- popup-menu has been fixed
fix will be in 5.1.14
[22 Jun 2009 12:44] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.1.14 changelog:

When right-clicking on an item that was not selected, such as a table or routine, in the MySQL Model tab, the item was selected without the other items being deselected.

The expected behavior for applications in both Windows and Linux is that right-clicking an item that has not been selected, should deselect all other items. Right-clicking an already selected item should not alter any of the selections.