Bug #44202 Can't change the layer name
Submitted: 10 Apr 2009 7:19 Modified: 26 May 2009 15:23
Reporter: Sandy Pleyte Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.10 Beta2 OS:MacOS
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: regression

[10 Apr 2009 7:19] Sandy Pleyte
When I create a new layer I can't change the layer name in the properties tab. I can click on the layer name but nothing hapens. I tried this on a windows machine and then an input box is appearing when you click on the layer name.

How to repeat:
- Create a Layer
- Select the layer
- Goto the properties tab
- Click on the layer name and nothing happens.
[10 Apr 2009 17:41] Valeriy Kravchuk
This works for me in 5.1.9 on Mac OS X, so it is a regression bug likely.
[12 Apr 2009 16:47] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the problem report.
[17 Apr 2009 5:34] Alfredo Kojima
A layer editor has been added and can be accessed by double-clicking the layer title.
[22 Apr 2009 19:02] Johannes Taxacher
this fix will be in 5.1.11
[26 May 2009 15:23] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.11 changelog:

When using MySQL Workbench on Linux, if a new layer was created it was not possible to then change the layer's name in the Properties tab.