Bug #43907 Insert tab on table editor blanks data
Submitted: 27 Mar 2009 11:12 Modified: 7 Apr 2009 11:00
Reporter: Robert Laverick Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.1.9 Beta OS:MacOS
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: insert

[27 Mar 2009 11:12] Robert Laverick
When editing a table and using the insert tab to alter the data to be imported into the table it always shows as blank.  If you edit the data and input a set of data then it is saved correctly back to the file (can be seen by opening the saved file under another OS version of the tool (linux in my case) but will have erased the previous content) 

How to repeat:
. Create a table
. Edit the table
. Click the insert tab

The insert tab will always show no data

. Click "Open Editor"

There will appear to be no data in the grid

. Enter data and click OK
. Save the mwb project file

Opening the project on a non OSX version will show the data that was entered, however the data will not show in the OSX verions.

. Open project
. Edit the table
. Click the insert tab

The insert tab will always show no data

. Click "Open Editor"

There will appear to be no data in the grid

. Enter data and click OK
. Save the mwb project file

The new data entered will have overwritten the data that already existed in the project file.  (seen either in the raw xml or in wb on another OS)

Suggested fix:
Probably missing the code to parse the data into the input tab in the OSX version?
[27 Mar 2009 12:36] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for the bug report. Verified just as described.
[6 Apr 2009 21:02] Johannes Taxacher
fix confirmed. will be included in 5.1.10 beta
[7 Apr 2009 11:00] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.10 changelog:

Data entered using the Inserts tab in the Table Editor was not displayed in the Inserts tab, but was saved to the MWB file when the project was saved. The data could be viewed in Workbench running on platforms other than Mac OS X, but the Mac OS X version of Workbench did not display the data entered using the Inserts tab.