Bug #4328 mysqldump should put newlines between insert records
Submitted: 29 Jun 2004 18:13 Modified: 29 Jun 2004 18:40
Reporter: Matt Carter Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: mysqldump Command-line Client Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:mysqldump Ver 10.7 Distrib 4.1.2-alpha OS:Windows (Windows 2000)
Assigned to: Dean Ellis CPU Architecture:Any

[29 Jun 2004 18:13] Matt Carter
4.1.2a appears to have changed the format of the mysqldump export file slightly.  Now, records to be inserted into a single table are all run together on a single line.  This makes it difficult to view the data and difficult to view changes using a standard line-oriented difference viewer like "diff".

I believe the purpose of making mysqldump's output text, as opposed to raw data, is to make the file human-readable.  Putting all the data for a table onto a single line seems to go against that goal.

How to repeat:
Create a table with multiple records.
From the command line, run "mysqldump", specifying the database and table name.  Capture stdout to a file.
Note that the "INSERT INTO" statement in that file has all of its records (in the "VALUES" clause) on a single very long line.

Suggested fix:
Add a newline at the beginning of each record to be inserted.  (The SQL parser for the "INSERT INTO" statement has no problem parsing a SQL statement containing newlines.)
[29 Jun 2004 18:40] Dean Ellis
4.1 enables the --opt option by default, which enables --extended-insert, which is what you are seeing.  You can get the old behavior with --skip-extended-insert or --skip-opt.
[2 Oct 2007 13:45] Alex W
The request here is different. I want to use extended inserts for performance reasons, but I also want to be able to read the result of mysqldump myself (and have a readable diff of .sql files in the source control system).
[2 May 2011 23:03] Tim Riker
Would a patch for this be accepted? Some command line option like --extended-inserts-multiline or similar?

should just add to this change this:

row_length= 2 + extended_row.length;

adding 1 more for *nix platforms. May need to add 2 more for crlf on windows. And then here:



fputs(",\n", md_result_file);

again, when the option is set.
[2 May 2011 23:35] Tim Riker
can we re-open this as a feature request?
[30 May 2012 15:08] Jamie Jackson
Started an enhancement request: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=65465