Bug #41931 Erroneous column delete in Inserts Code (Inserts tab)
Submitted: 7 Jan 2009 19:51 Modified: 10 Aug 2009 9:31
Reporter: Rodrigo Olivares Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.29 OS:Windows
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: autogenerate code, CHECKED, delete, erroneus delete, inserts, misssing, wrong delete

[7 Jan 2009 19:51] Rodrigo Olivares
If a column are deleted and have inserts in "Inserts Tab", the columns value deleted are always the last on the "Insert Tab" Table.

This problem is SERIOUS when the default values is a large table and the manual modification is a bored task. And also in any case that are involved the manual modifications.

Please improve the "Insert Tab", is a usefully tool in workbench but is not asigned a high importance. 
Check the types ion columns and other tips that will add usability.


How to repeat:
Create a model.
Create a table and add it three columns with name col1, col2, col3.
Go to "Insert Tab" and fill the columns value (any type, varchar, int, etc) to 1, 2 and 3 (corresponding to the same column name).
Go to "Columns Tab" and delete either col1 or col2.
Go to "Insert Tab" and check the values in the columns.

Suggested fix:
Delete the correct column
[7 Jan 2009 20:52] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[19 Jul 2009 0:50] Alfredo Kojima
Because of the reimplementation of Inserts editor, this bug is not present anymore.
[7 Aug 2009 17:07] Johannes Taxacher
the problem was fixed in inserts editor for version 5.1.
will be included in 5.1.17

This issue doesn't appear in 5.2 because in 5.2 inserts editor has been completely rewritten.
[10 Aug 2009 9:31] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.17 changelog:

In the Columns tab of the Table Editor, if a column was deleted, and it had inserts in the Inserts tab, then in the Inserts tab the last entry would be incorrectly deleted.