Bug #41453 Changes in the flags of User Types are not made in the column of the table/s.
Submitted: 14 Dec 2008 14:56 Modified: 5 Aug 2009 16:08
Reporter: Tony G Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.29 OS:Windows
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[14 Dec 2008 14:56] Tony G
If I modify the flags of an User Type that I’ve created before, the flags are not changed in the column/s of each table/s that are defined with the User Type that I’ve modified. To solve this I have to delete each column and create again.

Thanks and sorry for my bad English.

How to repeat:
Create a User Type, create a table with a column with that User Type. After that, modify the flags of the User Type and check the column, the flags have not been changed.
[15 Dec 2008 9:13] Susanne Ebrecht
Many thanks for writing a bug report.

Unfortunately I don't understand what you mean. Please describe step by step what you are doing and where the error occurs.
[15 Dec 2008 21:48] Tony G
Hello Susanne.

I'll try to explain it better (my English is very bad).

1) in User Types tab create a new User Type, for example:
   Name: salary 
   Definition: DECIMAL(5,2)
   Flags: unsigned

2) in EER Diagram window place a new table and create this column:
   Column Name: mysalary
   Datatype: salary

3) the sql of the table must be like:
CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `new_schema1`.`table1` (
  `mysalary` decimal(5,2) UNSIGNED NULL )

4) now, in User Types tab modify the flag of the salary User Type, for example:
   Flags: zerofill

5) the sql of the table is the same:
CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `new_schema1`.`table1` (
  `mysalary` decimal(5,2) UNSIGNED NULL )

and it should be:

CREATE  TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `new_schema1`.`table1` (
  `mysalary` decimal(5,2) ZEROFILL NULL )

I hope you understand now. The error occurs when you modify the flags of salary User Type, the changes that you do aren't implemented in the columns that are defined with salary User Type.

Sorry again for my bad English.

Thanks, TonyG.
[16 Dec 2008 13:42] Susanne Ebrecht
Verfied as described.
When you change flags of user type it neither change at the diagramm nor at the SQL when you export model as SQL.
[16 Dec 2008 20:47] Tony G
Thanks a lot.

[3 Aug 2009 1:36] Alfredo Kojima
This bug has been fixed in repository.

Note for documentation: Flags for UDTs cannot be changed in the table editor, only in the UDT editor.
[5 Aug 2009 10:15] Johannes Taxacher
fixed as described by developer.
fix will be included in 5.1.17
[5 Aug 2009 16:08] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.17 changelog:

When the flags of a User Defined Type were changed in the User Types panel, the change was not updated in the EER Diagram, the Table Editor, or the exported SQL.
[13 Oct 2009 7:39] Daniel Haas
I cannot see this Bug as fixed! :-(
I Use Mysql SE, 5.1.18, and I cannot get to work any flags of user defined types, no matter what I do.
For example I created a User Defined Type ID, and defined it as INT with the flag Unsigned. The flag unsigned id noch checked in colums using that type, and exporting to SQL does not add the necessary UNSIGNED. Also modifying the user defined type afterwards does not help. How is this supposed to work???