Bug #41314 Many binlogs cause mysql::status info to arrive in 2nd discovery packet
Submitted: 9 Dec 2008 0:03 Modified: 14 Jan 2009 11:30
Reporter: Adam Dixon Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Enterprise Monitor: Web Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version: OS:Any
Assigned to: MC Brown CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: ChildDoesNotExistException

[9 Dec 2008 0:03] Adam Dixon
An installation with some 420+ master binlogs caused mysql::status graph to not be plotted at all.

- This is causing the mysql::status object to come in the 2nd discovery packet
- Where as it should be in the first,
- The dashboard handles out of order packets, but not if the information is split between them.

How to repeat:
Have many many master binlogs, or potentially many many tables or other objects might cause this too.

Suggested fix:
Handle this at agent or dashboard end correctly.
[9 Dec 2008 18:01] Darren Oldag
exclude processlist and masterlog items from list-instances discovery, as we don't and cannot use them.
this will (most likely) reduce the initial discovery packet to a reasonable size so that 
critical server components are reported together.

fix pushed to trunk.  awaiting merge to 2.0 maintenance tree for build.
[9 Dec 2008 22:26] Chris Calender
A large processlist can also cause this same behavior.

Basically, mysql::processlist does the same thing as mysql::masterlog.

From the agent error log ...



Many, many more <em2_instances> with the same uuid continue on ...

The only thing that changes is the number after the decimal point in <instancename>.
[10 Dec 2008 0:43] Chris Calender
I also see the corresponding "ChildDoesNotExistException" entry in the catalina.out/stdout_*.log:

com.mysql.etools.exception.ChildDoesNotExistException: E2101: ChildDoesNotExistException: [{mysql}.{Server}.{7c2397f7-a086-49c3-b550-69c007d84979}, mysql.status, 7c2397f7-a086-49c3-b550-69c007d84979]
[12 Dec 2008 17:16] Diego Medina
Verified fixed on
[14 Jan 2009 11:30] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 2.0 changelog:

Having an installation with over 420 master binlogs resulted in the mysql::status graph not being plotted.