Bug #41219 Inbound syncronize does not update the model.
Submitted: 4 Dec 2008 9:57 Modified: 6 Aug 2009 15:03
Reporter: Jonas Stenberg Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.28 SE OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Alexander Musienko CPU Architecture:Any

[4 Dec 2008 9:57] Jonas Stenberg
I have used Reverse engineering from the database to build my model within MySql Workbench.
When I update a foreign key in the database and then try to synchronize the workbench to the database to get the changes into the model the following happends:

1. The sychronization completes. OK
2. The Catalog is updated with the changes from the database. OK
3. The model is not updated with the new relation between the tables. ERROR

How to repeat:
1. Create a database.
2. Create two tables.
3. Create a Workbench project by reverse engineering from the database. Let the wizard layout the diagram.
4. Create a foreign key between the tables within the database.
5. Synchronize the Workbench model to get the changes into the Workbench project.
6. Note that the relation is not not displayed in the model.

Suggested fix:
Make sure that the model is updated after a syncronization or at least make it possible to manually update the model with changes.
[8 Dec 2008 15:03] MySQL Verification Team
Could you please try the new release version 5.0.28. Thanks in advance.
[8 Dec 2008 16:04] Jonas Stenberg
The problem remains in 5.0.28 SE. 

I also found another pecurlior bahavior: When I use the "Check for Updates..." I get directed to the OSS version instead of the SE version.
[11 Dec 2008 11:40] Sveta Smirnova
Thank you for the report.

Verified as described.
[23 Jan 2009 10:00] Johannes Taxacher
the FK is created in the table-object, but the connection item on canvas is not created
[18 Jun 2009 13:29] Johannes Taxacher
fixed in WB 5.1.13
[18 Jun 2009 15:52] Johannes Taxacher
sorry, faulty test, inst fixed for all cases yet
[2 Jul 2009 11:02] Michael G. Zinner
Corrected priority.
[5 Aug 2009 18:33] Johannes Taxacher
this has been fixed.
fix will be in 5.1.17
[6 Aug 2009 15:03] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.1.17 changelog:

When a MySQL Workbench model was synchronized with a live database, a foreign key relationship, recently added to the database, was not reflected in the EER Diagram. Although the foreign key was created in the table object, the relationship connector widget was not drawn on the canvas.