Bug #40498 MGM C API calls "Exit" if connection to the managment server is lost
Submitted: 4 Nov 2008 12:51 Modified: 19 Nov 2008 14:36
Reporter: Lars Torstensson Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Cluster: Cluster (NDB) storage engine Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:ndb-6.3.17-telco OS:Linux
Assigned to: Magnus Blåudd CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: MGM C API Exit

[4 Nov 2008 12:51] Lars Torstensson
ndb_mgm_get_status() in the MGM C API calls "Exit" if a the connected mgm server is shutdown.
Should return an error code instead.

How to repeat:
1 Start a mgm server.

2 Connect this program below to the mgm server.

3 stop the mgm server and the program will exit without an error

NdbMgmHandle handle= ndb_mgm_create_handle();

struct ndb_mgm_cluster_state *state= ndb_mgm_get_status(handle);

   printf("This not connected part is never reached. Inte bra\n");

 for(int i=0; i < state->no_of_nodes; i++) 
  struct ndb_mgm_node_state *node_state= &state->node_states[i];
  printf("node with ID=%d ", node_state->node_id);
  if(node_state->version != 0)
    printf("not connected\n");
[12 Nov 2008 14:13] Magnus Blåudd
The application get "broken pipe" error. This can be caught by installing a signal handler that ignores this error, the default signal handler will call "exit" without any error message.

#include <signal.h>

We need to decide _if_ we should install a signal handler for SIGPIPE as part of mgmapi or if that would be up to the application to do.
[12 Nov 2008 14:27] Jonas Oreland
brilliant analysis magnus!

i think we *should* add the signal handler,
e.g we do so in ndbapi
[19 Nov 2008 9:52] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:


2744 Magnus Svensson	2008-11-19
      Bug#40498 MGM C API calls "Exit" if connection to the managment server is lost
       - Install SIGPIPE handler to catch broken pipe error that occurs when writing
         to a closed or rest socket
       - Add function 'ndb_mgm_set_ignore_sigpipe' making it possible to avoid
         that mgmapi installs SIGPIPE handler
[19 Nov 2008 10:36] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.29-ndb-6.3.19  (revid:msvensson@mysql.com-20081119095201-y1z9a2q9l7w8fr0e) (version source revid:msvensson@mysql.com-20081119103154-liyfrlze453wheq1) (pib:5)
[19 Nov 2008 10:36] Bugs System
Pushed into 5.1.29-ndb-6.4.0  (revid:msvensson@mysql.com-20081119095201-y1z9a2q9l7w8fr0e) (version source revid:msvensson@mysql.com-20081119103401-eeyjgl030jnt9yq3) (pib:5)
[19 Nov 2008 14:36] Jon Stephens
Documented bugfix in the NDB-6.3.19 changelog as follows:

        MGM API applications exited without raising any errors if the 
        connection to the management server was lost. The fix for this 
        issue includes two changes:

              1. The MGM API now provides its own SIGPIPE
              handler to catch the broken pipe error that occurs
              when writing to a closed or reset socket. This means that 
              MGM API now behaves the same as NDB API in this regard.
              2. A new function ndb_mgm_set_ignore_sigpipe() has
              been added to the MGM API. This function makes it possible 
              to bypass the SIGPIPE handler provded by the MGM API.

Documented new function in the Cluster API Guide: http://lists.mysql.com/commits/59235