Bug #40382 Connector wants to read from not existing information_schema.parameters table
Submitted: 28 Oct 2008 21:51 Modified: 10 Nov 2008 13:27
Reporter: Pavel Bazanov Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:Connector / NET Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.2.3 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: .net, 5.2.3, connector, GetParametersFromIS, information_schema, Parameters, stored procedure

[28 Oct 2008 21:51] Pavel Bazanov
I have upgraded to Connector v5.2.3 (previously I had 5.1.5) and now I get exception when I try to work with stored procedures. Here is the sample code: 

MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost;Database=mydb;Uid=root;Pwd=mypass;charset=cp1251;"); 
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("GetCustomersList", conn); 
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 

On ExecuteReader() (it can be ExecuteNonQuery(), no matter) I get an exception: 

"Unknown table 'parameters' in information_schema" 

I don't have table parameters in information_schema database. I checked another server with MySQL 6.0.2 installed and there is also no parameters table in information_schema.

Actually, the ISSchemaProvider.GetParametersFromIS() method wants to read information_schema.parameters table. This method did not exist in 5.1.5 (and also in 5.1.7). So maybe this information helps you somehow.

Thank you in advance.

How to repeat:
MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection("Server=localhost;Database=mydb;Uid=root;Pwd=mypass;charset=cp1251;"); 
MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("GetCustomersList", conn); 
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; 
command.ExecuteReader(); // <----- exception here ("Unknown table 'parameters' in information_schema")
[29 Oct 2008 4:34] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. 

According to the manual, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/parameters-table.html, that table was added in 6.0.6. So when working with older version of 6.x connector should NOT use this table.
[29 Oct 2008 10:24] Pavel Bazanov
So, it will be fixed in the next version of Connector/Net ?
[29 Oct 2008 12:26] Pavel Bazanov
Actually, according to the manual, that table was added in 5.2.6:


"The PARAMETERS table was added in MySQL 5.2.6."
[3 Nov 2008 8:13] Donald Campbell
I have been having this issue since I started developing against MySQL.
Looking at the forums, a number of people are getting the same issue.
I our case the effect is that we can not see details of fields with Visual Studio and do not get values returned from the stored procedures into VB2008.
If it is not fixed soon we may need to stop the migration to MySQL and use SQL Server.
[6 Nov 2008 20:39] Bugs System
A patch for this bug has been committed. After review, it may
be pushed to the relevant source trees for release in the next
version. You can access the patch from:

[6 Nov 2008 20:39] Reggie Burnett
fixed in 5.2.4+
[10 Nov 2008 13:27] Tony Bedford
Added entry to the 5.2.4 changelog:

When working with stored procedures Connector/NET generated an exception Unknown "table parameters" in information_schema.