Bug #40167 no method to show hidden relationships again
Submitted: 20 Oct 2008 10:18 Modified: 12 Nov 2008 15:24
Reporter: Johannes Taxacher Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.26 OS:Windows
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[20 Oct 2008 10:18] Johannes Taxacher
relationships that have been "hidden" can't be selected/edited (once the editor of the relation has been closed) to make it visible again

How to repeat:
hide a relationship on the canvas and close the editor (if open) ... 

there's a workaround at the moment: remove one of the tables on either side of the connection without deleting the database object (if you delete a table figure you're being asked by WB if the corresponding database object should be deleted along with the canvas-figure)
then drag the deleted table back onto the canvas from then Catalog Pane (this creates a new figure for the relation as well which is initialized as visible)
[20 Oct 2008 15:04] Johannes Taxacher
another workaround (without the need for delete/re-add anything):
- go to View->Advanced->GRT Shell (or press Ctrl+F3)
- and navigate through the GRT-Tree (middle pane in right sidebar)
- navigate to /wb/doc/physicalModels/0/views
- open the node for the corresponding diagram
- each Diagram node holds a collection of the placed connections
- select the corresponding conn. and it should show up in the GRT-Inspector below where you can then change visibility
[31 Oct 2008 21:11] Alfredo Kojima
Feature to show connections corresponding to FKs of a table added to the layer tree in 5.0 and 5.1 trees.
Note: There's currently no icon for connections,  they must be added.
[6 Nov 2008 17:10] Johannes Taxacher
Info for Documenting:

The layer pane now displays the connections as child-nodes for the tables. Also we have activated the [+] icons to expand/collapse the different objects in the structure (double-click now doesn't expand/collapse the nodes anymore).
By double-clicking an object it gets the selection and canvas scrolls the object into the viewable area. This way hidden objects can be selected and switched back to visible via the property pane.
[12 Nov 2008 15:24] Tony Bedford
The main docs have been updated with appropriate information. 

A change entry was also added to the 5.0.27 and 5.1.4 changelogs:

There was a problem where relationships that were hidden could then not be selected in order to bring up their relationship editor. Relationships can now be selected as objects in the Layer window. Once selected, the relationship's visible property can be set to True in the Properties window, thus making the relationship visible again.
[13 Feb 2013 20:11] Rasmus Schultz
It may have been possible to get back to hidden relations in 2008, but it doesn't look like it's possible in the current release?

Foreign keys do show up in the Layers window, but double-clicking them display's the table's properties, not the properties of the connection - hence there is no way to get to the "visible" property, which I can't see anywhere.

Selecting a visible connection does not reveal the existence of a property named "visible" either, nor any other property that controls the visibility.

Simply erasing the table from the diagram and inserting it again is not an acceptable work-around either, as this causes all the other connections to lose their captions and comments.

As things are, I'm going to attempt to hack the XML file by hand to restore my connections, and just stop using the hidden connections feature entirely. (my diagrams will be a complete mess with trivial relationships for things like country and state tables everywhere...)

Looks like this issue needs to be reopened.