Bug #39578 Workbench crash when exporting SQL script
Submitted: 22 Sep 2008 8:31 Modified: 13 Oct 2008 15:16
Reporter: Olivier Chédru Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.25 Revision 3427 OS:Windows
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[22 Sep 2008 8:31] Olivier Chédru
When exporting my .mwb file, the workbench crashes.

How to repeat:
- Load the attached .mwb file.
- Choose File/Export/Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script...
- Choose an output file.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish.
- The workbench crashes.
[22 Sep 2008 8:32] Olivier Chédru
Workbench file to reproduce crash.

Attachment: fvrm.mwb (, text), 30.98 KiB.

[22 Sep 2008 13:44] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Verified as described.
[9 Oct 2008 12:45] Johannes Taxacher
this has been fixed. The crash was caused by an undefined datatype. Wb should allow missing datatypes therefore it exports invalid SQL for the posted .mwb file. SE version has a validation that warns user about such issues, in OSS-Edition, the user has to take care of that.
[9 Oct 2008 18:16] Johannes Taxacher
this has been fixed. The crash was caused by an undefined datatype. Wb should allow missing datatypes but will export invalid SQL in that case. WB Standard Edition has a validation that warns user about such issues, in OSS-Edition, the user has to take care of that.
[13 Oct 2008 15:16] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.0.26 changelog entry:

When attempting to export a model using the File, Export, Forward Engineer SQL CREATE Script menu item, Workbench crashed on clicking the wizard's Finish button.
[16 Jan 2009 1:44] Adam Santaniello
I am encountering this same problem on OSS version 5.0.29.
Even with a very simple 1 column table of valid datatype, application crashes when doing File-Export-Forward Engineer or when doing right-click "Copy SQL to clipboard".