Bug #38783 SQL scripts don't support UTF8 encoding
Submitted: 13 Aug 2008 21:29 Modified: 14 Oct 2008 13:15
Reporter: Alex Saavedra Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.24 OS:Windows
Assigned to: Sergei Tkachenko CPU Architecture:Any

[13 Aug 2008 21:29] Alex Saavedra
When you upload a UTF8 encoded file (international charset), the embedded SQL editor replaces multilingual characters with "?" symbol.

How to repeat:
1. go to SQL Scripts and select "Add script"
2. open newly created script and click "Load File..." button
3. import attached test.sql file which contains multilingual characters

You'll see first lines of script as:

?/* Armenia */
set @countryId = "ARM";
insert into tlkpCountryDiv (countryId, code, localName, description)
values", "@countryId, "AG", "?????????", "Aragatsotn") , 
values", "@countryId, "AR", "??????", "Ararat") ,
[13 Aug 2008 21:30] Alex Saavedra
UTF8 SQL Script

Attachment: test.sql (text/plain), 769 bytes.

[8 Sep 2008 1:17] Johannes Taxacher
if you import the posted test-script and immediately export the file via "Save to file..." (without clicking the "apply changes button"), then the file is exported correctly (even those values WB editor only show as bunch of question marks). but as soon as user clicks apply or closes the editor and reopens it, the extended chars are lost.
[8 Sep 2008 18:59] Johannes Taxacher
fixed as posted by developer.
will be incorporated in 5.0.25
[14 Oct 2008 13:15] Tony Bedford
An entry was added to the 5.0.25 changelog:

When you loaded a UTF-8 encoded script file into Workbench, the embedded SQL editor replaced international characters with the ? symbol.
[11 Feb 2009 23:42] Ernestas Gruodis
Hello, when I opening UTF-8 sql script, I can not see all Lithuanian characters, for example a letter ų and some others. Is it possible to fix it?

Ernestas Gruodis