Bug #37736 I can't copy SQL to Clipboard
Submitted: 30 Jun 2008 10:08 Modified: 1 Aug 2008 16:12
Reporter: Leo SHI Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:oss-5.0.23-win32-noinstall OS:Windows (XP SP3)
Assigned to: Vladimir Kolesnikov CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: copy SQL, XP

[30 Jun 2008 10:08] Leo SHI
I can't copy SQL to Clipboard with mysql-workbench-oss-5.0.23-win32-noinstall,I try it in 2 XP's pc and a win2003 pc, get the same error."Copy insert" function is working.

I try it with mysql-workbench-oss-5.0.22-win32-noinstall,it's working too.

How to repeat:
click instruction "copy SQL to Clipboard" in mouse menu
[30 Jun 2008 10:37] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a bug report. Verified just as described.
[8 Jul 2008 3:31] Valeriy Kravchuk
Bug #37951 was marked as a duplicate of this one.
[30 Jul 2008 17:25] Johannes Taxacher
issue has been corrected. fix will go into release 5.0.24
[1 Aug 2008 16:12] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.0.24 changelog:

In the mysql-workbench-oss-5.0.23-win32-noinstall version of Workbench the menu item Plugins, Objects, Copy SQL to Clipboard did not work.
[7 Aug 2008 21:13] Sveta Smirnova
Bug #38640 was marked as duplicate of this one.