Bug #37061 Parameters for stored server connections get lost
Submitted: 29 May 2008 10:20 Modified: 12 Nov 2008 18:15
Reporter: Bernhard Wellhoefer Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.22 OS:Windows (XP SP2)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[29 May 2008 10:20] Bernhard Wellhoefer
For all items under the Database menu Workbench lets me store/configure database server connections.

When I create and name a server connection the entered parameters are not saved. The next time I want to reuse the connection I have to reenter the parameters again.

Moreover the documentation says at the end of chapter 17.1. "To edit an existing connection profile, click on its name and change the values that appear in the Parameters and Advanced tabs, then click on the 'Apply Changes' button to save your changes.". No such 'Apply Changes' button is displayed for me.

How to repeat:
Store a connection with parameter and try to (re-)use the stored connection.
[29 May 2008 10:43] Johannes Taxacher
Hello Bernhard,

unfortunately it looks like it's not that intuitive (and not documented well enough too).

- first enter all your data into the DB mask
- then klick the [+] button and nema the preset
thats the way it works.

there's in fact no "apply" button for applying changes to existing presets.
so if you want to change data of an existing preset simply enter the new/changed data and "overwrite" the old preset by klcing [+] and use the same name.

the [-] button is for deleting a preset, the [c] button for resetting/clearing the DB-settings-mask

i'll forward that to our docs team (by setting the report to "documenting") and will put it on our 2improve-list for further versions.

thx for the input!
[12 Jun 2008 13:32] Sergei Tkachenko
Added tooltips for controls on DBMS connection dialog.
Will go to v5.0.23
[12 Nov 2008 18:15] Tony Bedford
The relevant section of the main documentation was updated.

A change entry has been added to the 5.0.23 changelog:

It was not clear how a stored connection profile could be edited and the changes saved. Tooltips have been added to the relevant buttons and the main documentation clarified.