Bug #36660 SUBQUERY slow
Submitted: 12 May 2008 4:45 Modified: 21 Mar 2011 4:14
Reporter: Roberto Spadim (Basic Quality Contributor) Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server: Optimizer Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.1.20 OS:Linux
Assigned to: Evgeny Potemkin CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: qc

[12 May 2008 4:45] Roberto Spadim
key IN (select)
is slower than

from table as t1, (select) as t2 where t1.key=t2.key

see howto reproduce

How to repeat:

SELECT moeda,valor_face,doc_hash_key FROM dig_documentos as c, (SELECT hash_origem as doc FROM dig_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT hash_origem FROM mov_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM dig_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM mov_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3)  as d
WHERE c.doc_hash_key=d.doc

SELECT moeda,valor_face,doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos AS a,(
SELECT SQL_SMALL_RESULT  hash_origem as doc FROM dig_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
UNION  all
SELECT hash_origem FROM mov_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM dig_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM mov_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3
)  as b 
a.doc_hash_key =b.doc 
GROUP BY doc_hash_key


SELECT moeda,valor_face,doc_hash_key FROM dig_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key IN (SELECT hash_origem FROM dig_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT hash_origem FROM mov_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM dig_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 
SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM mov_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3) 
SELECT moeda,valor_face,doc_hash_key FROM mov_documentos WHERE doc_hash_key IN (SELECT hash_origem FROM dig_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 UNION SELECT hash_origem FROM mov_contacorrente WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 UNION SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM dig_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3 UNION SELECT cc_hash_baixa FROM mov_baixas WHERE lote_unidade=1001 AND lote_data="2008-05-12" AND lote_numero=3) GROUP BY doc_hash_key

Suggested fix:
i think that some optimize options could be used for example
key in (SELECT keys from table)
should use the table


key in (SELECT SQL_BUFFER_RESULT keys from table)
should use the "buffered result" instead of table

this is the same thing i did with 
from (select keys from table) as c where ....
[17 Jul 2008 19:07] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report. Please, send the EXPLAIN results for both queries on your real data.
[19 Jul 2008 8:13] Valeriy Kravchuk
Does your fast query return any rows? I had noted "Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables" in the EXPLAIN results for it.
[20 Jul 2008 0:42] Roberto Spadim
no rows in any select
the fast does that couldn't return nothing
the slow wait some time and return no row
may be a optimization of subselect or other optimization could allow the slow to be faster
[27 Jul 2008 16:49] Valeriy Kravchuk
Query rewrite in cases like this would be a nice feature to have. So, I think this is a reasonable feature request.
[27 Jan 2011 4:56] Roberto Spadim
any idea how to implement?
maybe per subselect optimization SQL_BUFFERED_SUBQUERY could help a lot! using it the optimizer rewrite query to use a IN (value1,value2,value3,value4....)
[21 Mar 2011 4:14] Roberto Spadim
i will close this bug, since bug http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=24770 (bug 24770) is something similar and have some worklogs