Bug #36647 Print functionality is not working properly
Submitted: 10 May 2008 17:12 Modified: 29 May 2008 0:01
Reporter: Philipp Hofmann Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.21 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: pdf, print

[10 May 2008 17:12] Philipp Hofmann
I have a diagram with the page setup "landscape". If I try to print this diagram, I see in the preview only a portrait diagram with only a part of the tables and not all tables. 

How to repeat:
You need only a diagram with the page setup "landscape" and some tables to reproduce it. I can send you some screenshot and the model-file if necessary.
[10 May 2008 17:13] Philipp Hofmann
Model file

Attachment: ExampleDiagramLandscape.mwb (application/x-zip-compressed, text), 8.13 KiB.

[10 May 2008 17:13] Philipp Hofmann
Print Preview

Attachment: ExampleDiagramLandscapePrintPreview.jpg (image/pjpeg, text), 32.94 KiB.

[10 May 2008 17:14] Philipp Hofmann

Attachment: ExampleDiagramLandscapeScreenshot.jpg (image/pjpeg, text), 477.33 KiB.

[10 May 2008 17:15] Philipp Hofmann
PDF is okay, but in some of my diagrams it's cutted

Attachment: ExampleDiagramLandscapePrintPDF.pdf (application/pdf, text), 64.68 KiB.

[10 May 2008 21:11] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[21 May 2008 20:16] Johannes Taxacher
print preview works correctly now with landscape setting. tested in bzr rev 3110
[29 May 2008 0:01] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.0.22 changelog.

Print preview in landscape orientation did not work correctly.
[19 Nov 2008 11:44] Alvaro Drake
I still see exactly the same bug with Workbench SE 5.0.27 (revision 3318). I could never print properly in A3 landscape.

I managed to find a workaround. Insert the following entry among all the other paper types in the file paper_types.xml in the data directory of the MySQL Workbench installation:

   <value type="object" struct-name="app.PaperType" id="com.mysql.wb.papertype.landscape_a3">
      <value type="string" key="name">Landscape A3</value>
      <value type="string" key="caption">Landscape A3 (420 mm x 297 mm)</value>
      <value type="real" key="width">420.2</value>
      <value type="real" key="height">297.0</value>

Restart MySQL workbench, and in Page Setup, set your paper size to "Landscape A3", and the page orientation as "portrait".

