Bug #36184 Application Crash when selecting Copy to SQL
Submitted: 17 Apr 2008 18:20 Modified: 11 May 2008 1:27
Reporter: Jeremy Tinley Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.19 OS:Windows (XP Pro SP2)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[17 Apr 2008 18:20] Jeremy Tinley
Application crash when selecting Copy to SQL

How to repeat:
Open application.
Open a table.
Switch to Indexes tab
Select Copy to SQL
Switch to Columns tab.
Select Copy to SQL.

Appears to be 100% reproducible for me.

Suggested fix:
Don't crash.
[18 Apr 2008 1:09] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. I could not reproduce this on my side,
could you please provide scree-shots step by step to reproduce it.
Thanks in advance.
[18 Apr 2008 16:16] Jeremy Tinley
I open my MWB file.
Maximize the application.
Collapse the EER Diagrams section.
Switch the Physical Schemata section to list view.
Double click on a table
Click the Indexes tab.
Right click on the table name (the one that I have open) under Physical Schemata
Select Copy SQL to Clipboard
Click the Column tab.
Right click on the table name (the one that I have open) under Physical Schemata
Select Copy SQL to Clipboard

This generates a crash with error signature:

appName: mysqlworkbench.exe  AppVer:   AppStamp:  4803de06
ModName: msvcr80.dll   ModVer: 8.0.50727.1433  ModStamp: 471eb5ae
fDebug: 0  Offset: 000173c1
[2 May 2008 8:16] Johannes Taxacher
wasn't able to raise this crash again after the fix (tested in SVN Rev 3120)
[11 May 2008 1:27] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.0.22 changelog.

The Copy to SQL operation caused a crash.