Bug #35969 Input focus extremely difficult to obtain
Submitted: 10 Apr 2008 18:32 Modified: 11 May 2008 0:56
Reporter: Joseph Morgan Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.17 OS:Windows (XP)
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[10 Apr 2008 18:32] Joseph Morgan
Using the table editor, if I tab through columns, generally I can add new fields, etc.  However, if I use my mouse to click on a field, it rarely gives input focus to the field.  Double-clicking doesn't help.  Sometimes I can click and wait a few seconds, but that's not a 100% solution.

It seems to react better if I click onto another row, then click back once and wait.  Again, sometimes I have to double-click, and then even that doesn't work.

How to repeat:
Go create a new table.  Go to columns.  type in a column name, press tab, type, tab, etc.  

Now, on the 2nd column, instead of tabbing, click into the field.

The same is true when adding foreign keys.  Add a new FK. Click on the referenced table field, assign the column referencing and flags.  Now, try to click on the empty row to add a next fk.

I can work around this by switching tabs.  That is, from the Foreign Keys tab, click back to, say, the columns tab, then click back on the Foreign Kays tab, and it defaults to awaiting input on the next empty row.
[10 Apr 2008 18:55] Valeriy Kravchuk
Thank you for a problem report.
[11 Apr 2008 14:28] Johannes Taxacher
double clicking works now (and immediately). tested in SVN Rev 3049)
[11 May 2008 0:56] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.0.18 changelog.

In the table editor, setting the input focus by clicking the mouse
did not work.