Bug #35897 error message after upgrading MySQL workbench OSS 5.0.12 to 5.0.17
Submitted: 8 Apr 2008 10:59 Modified: 30 Nov 2009 11:22
Reporter: maurizio Sacchetti Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S1 (Critical)
Version:5.0.17 OS:Any
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any

[8 Apr 2008 10:59] maurizio Sacchetti
About 3 months ago I installed MySQL workbench 5.0.12 and everything was fine so I used it for a month or so. Today 8/4/08 when started, MySQL Workbench popped out a window suggesting to upgrade to version 5.0.17; which I did without any apparent problem. Now I canot open/edit the database tables (double click in the EER diagram window or double click in the physical schemata). If I do so an error window will pop out stating "Cannot load selected plugin(.\db.mysql.editors.wbp.fe.dll::DbMysqlTableEditor)." The only choice is "OK".

To make sure it was not an installation issue, I completely removed and reinstalled Mysql Workbench from scratch....to the same results.

any idea to solve or workarount this?

How to repeat:
Create a table, then double click on it
[8 Apr 2008 11:55] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Could you please provide a model project file
which shows that project, you can attach it in private if you wish. Thanks
in advance.
[8 Apr 2008 13:31] Johannes Taxacher
i could not reproduce the problem here - could you check if the file db.mysql.editors.wbp.fe.dll exists in your Workbench Application Directory?
another try would be to download the noinstall-zip package of workbench (can be found on .mysql.com/downloads/workbench/5.0.html ) and unzip it into your app-Directory.
[8 Apr 2008 14:01] maurizio Sacchetti
the file db.mysql.editors.wbp.fe.dll actually exists in C:\Programmi\MySQL\MySQL Workbench 5.0 OSS with filesize 180.224 Bytes

I downloaded the no-install package and unzip it in a different directory; however it shows the same problem. A CRC32/MD5 direcory comparison resulted in aperfect match between the 2 installations. So at least we know it's not a corrupted downlaod problem.
[8 Apr 2008 14:45] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the feedback. I could not to repeat too on XP, are you running
it on Vista. Thanks in advance.
[8 Apr 2008 15:00] maurizio Sacchetti
nope, no Vista, I'm running winXP SP2 - fully patched. version 5.0.12 was working fine so I'm puzzled by this error message.
[8 Apr 2008 16:10] Johannes Taxacher
hello maurizio,

thanks for infos so far. whats your status regarding .net frameworks? which have you installed?
.net 2 is required for WB ... maybe there is something broken? (we've seen the weirdest error msgs in connection with .net frameworks)
[8 Apr 2008 16:19] maurizio Sacchetti
as far as I can tell, .net2 works fine. apart from MySQL Wbench thre is no other sign of malfunctioning on my PC. can you suggest a way of checking my .net installation?
[8 Apr 2008 19:53] Ryan Marsh
I am having the same problem. Fully patched clean install of Windows XP Pro SP2. AV disabled, no other .Net errors.
[8 Apr 2008 23:17] Alfredo Kojima
Please download 
and place the contents in the Workbench app dir, replacing the
dll already there and report if that fixes the problem. Thanks!
[9 Apr 2008 7:08] maurizio Sacchetti
I've downloaded the updated Scintillanet.dll and the PROBLEM APPEARS FIXED.

Thanks for your help
[10 Apr 2008 13:04] Pim VAN DER WAL
As extra information, I upgraded from 5.0.16 to 5.0.17 and encountered the exact same problem. I'm also running XP Pro SP2 and the new ScintillaNet.dll file also solved the problem for me.
[10 Apr 2008 20:52] Chen-Hsiao Shih
Unfortunately, this patch doesn't work for me. 

Workbench 5.0.16 worked very well on the same platform untill I upgraded it to 5.0.17a. The same issue was described as previous users. I had upgraded/downgraded between 5.0.17a and 5.0.16 several times. 5.0.16 always worked.

Now, I am using 5.0.16 to continue my work.
[27 Nov 2009 17:55] Johannes Taxacher
an outdated version of the file ScintillaNet.dll was packaged with 5.1.17. 5.0.18 contains the newer version of the dll
[30 Nov 2009 11:22] Tony Bedford
An entry has been added to the 5.0.18rc changelog:

If a table in an EER Diagram was double-clicked in an attempt to open it for editing in the Table Editor, the following error was generated:

Cannot load selected plugin(.\db.mysql.editors.wbp.fe.dll::DbMysqlTableEditor)
[20 Apr 2010 12:35] Robert Bartis
I am running Win XP service patch 2 and just downloaded MySql workbench (5.1.18 OSS Revision 4456). trying to add a table results in the error message db.mysql.editors.wbp.fe.dll:DbMysqlTableEditor

I downloaded the suggest dll that was mentioned in this email thread, reset my PC and still have the same issue.

Any suggestions?