Bug #3575 Allow INSERT...SELECT MAX(x)+1 from the same table
Submitted: 27 Apr 2004 7:20 Modified: 8 Nov 2004 10:36
Reporter: Matthias Urlichs Email Updates:
Status: Verified Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Server Severity:S4 (Feature request)
Version:4.1 OS:Linux (Linux)
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[27 Apr 2004 7:20] Matthias Urlichs
I am porting a legacy system which runs on a database that doesn't have auto-increment columns. Therefore they use INSERT...SELECT MAX(seqfield)+1.

MySQL can't do that: ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'foo' for update in FROM clause.

I know that tere are several workarounds possible within MySQL (use a temp variable, use an autoincrement field, ...) but unfortunately I can't change the legacy system in a way that would be operationally incompatible with their current main database (mostly, but not restricted to, PostgreSQL).

How to repeat:
>create table foo(int lfd) type=innodb;

>insert into foo(lfd) values(123);

>insert into foo(lfd) values((select max(lfd) from foo)+1)
ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'foo' for update in FROM clause

>insert into foo(lfd) values((select max(lfd)+1 from foo))
ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'foo' for update in FROM clause

(I haven't checked other table types, as this system needs ref.integrity.)

Suggested fix:
If all the fields in question are aggregated (MAX,SUM,...) then there shouldn't be a problem and the INSERT should be able to proceed.
[27 Apr 2004 8:59] Guilhem Bichot
First, this is documented in our manual (section "Subqueries errors"):
"* This error will occur in cases like this:
UPDATE t1 SET column2 = (SELECT MAX(column1) FROM t1);
It's okay to use a subquery for assignment within an UPDATE statement, since subqueries are legal in UPDATE and DELETE statements as well as in SELECT statements. However, you cannot use the same table, in this case table t1, for both the subquery's FROM clause and the update target. ".
We have this limitation now, because such query was illegal in SQL-92; however as further SQL standards (SQL-99) now allow it we have it on our TODO.
Second, here is the simplest of workarounds: instead of using:
insert into foo(lfd) values((select max(lfd) from foo)+1)
just do
insert into foo(lfd) select (max(lfd)+1) from foo;
[27 Apr 2004 9:31] Matthias Urlichs
Sorry about not finding that limitation in the manual; the manual is big an I was of course searching for INSERT.*SELECT, not UPDATE. :-/

>Second, here is the simplest of workarounds: instead of using:
>insert into foo(lfd) values((select max(lfd) from foo)+1)
>just do
>insert into foo(lfd) select (max(lfd)+1) from foo;

Hmm. Good point, thanks.
[8 Nov 2004 10:36] Guilhem Bichot
Un-assigning it from me as I'm no specialist in this area.