Bug #35655 navigation is too slow for a scheme with more than 200 tables
Submitted: 28 Mar 2008 17:24 Modified: 11 May 2008 0:06
Reporter: David KELLER Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S2 (Serious)
Version:5.0.16rc OS:Windows
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: too slow navigation scroll

[28 Mar 2008 17:24] David KELLER
but navigation is too slow , you have to wait more than 20 seconds after one click on a scrollbar.
the same scheme with DB Designer take less than 5 seconds. It's impossible to work with this software.
you havent done any benchmark ?

How to repeat:
create a scheme with more than 200 tables.
click on the scrollbar ... and wait .... so long

Suggested fix:
produce a lighter and optimzed canvas
[29 Mar 2008 21:49] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report. Could you please provide the output of
Help->System Info from the Workbench Menu. Thanks in advance.
[30 Mar 2008 10:34] David KELLER
Looking for user plugins in C:\Documents and Settings\david.keller\Application Data\MySQL\Workbench\modules
Looking for user plugins in C:\Documents and Settings\david.keller\Application Data\MySQL\Workbench\plugins
MySQL Workbench OSS for Windows version 5.0.16
Cairo Version: 1.5.12
Rendering Mode: GDI Rendering
OpenGL Driver Version: Not Detected
OS: Windows XP
CPU: 2x Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2400  @ 1.83GHz, 2.0 GB RAM
Video adapter info:
Adapter type: NVIDIA GeForce Go 7600
Chip Type: GeForce Go 7600
BIOS String: Version
Video Memory: 262144 KB
[3 Apr 2008 2:14] Alfredo Kojima
Please provide a sample model. I've tried scrolling a 250 table model with hundreds of foreign keys
but it doesn't take 20 seconds to scroll.
[3 Apr 2008 10:03] David KELLER
try this scheme on DB Designer 
and after try it with Mysql workbench .. 
you will see the difference
[7 Apr 2008 21:33] Alfredo Kojima
The scrolling has been optimized, in addition you can go to
Tool -> Options -> Diagram and uncheck Draw Line Crossings,
which should accelerate rendering for large models.
[8 Apr 2008 16:40] Johannes Taxacher
scrolling works faster now (tested in SVN Rev 3006).
another tip to gain rendering speed is to turn off the grid-drawing.
[11 May 2008 0:06] Paul DuBois
Noted in 5.0.18 changelog.

Scrolling was slow for table models with large numbers of tables.