Bug #35429 Catalog FK Changes don't update the EER Diagram
Submitted: 19 Mar 2008 9:14 Modified: 8 Apr 2008 14:32
Reporter: Gert van de Venis Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.14 Beta, 5.015 RC OS:Any
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: Catalog updates, Model update

[19 Mar 2008 9:14] Gert van de Venis
I'm not sure if this should be described as a bug or a (unwanted) feature.. However this is the problem:

presuming you have a catalog and generated a EER Diagram for it you CAN:

Change/Add/Delete and set primary key/AI flags for column(s); the Diagram updates accordingly

You CAN'T:
Add/remove a foreign key reference and have the EER Diagram update accordingly.

In Short: The Diagram doesn't add/remove connection lines on manual creation of foreign key relations.

How to repeat:
- Add two tables to your catalog
- Add some columns
- Now generate a EER Diagram for it (Model->Create Diagram from Catalog Objects).

-Now manually add a fk_relation to table 1, referencing table 2. The kind of relation doesn't matter. 

Note that the diagram doesn't update.

Suggested fix:
A function to update an existing EER Diagram from the catalog objects (like the "Model->Create Diagram from Catalog Objects" command), could be a step in the good direction, and should be fairly easy to implement i guess... Better would be of course to have the diagram update automatically :)
[19 Mar 2008 9:36] Johannes Taxacher
This was definitely a bug which is already fixed in our Repository. This fix will be in next RC.
[8 Apr 2008 14:32] MC Brown
A note has been added to the 5.0.17 changelog: 

When adding a foreign key relationship within a catalog with an existing entity relationship diagram, the foreign key relationship is not added to the existing diagram.