Bug #35213 Alter script produces extra set of connection lines
Submitted: 11 Mar 2008 14:05 Modified: 15 Mar 2008 12:57
Reporter: Gert van de Venis Email Updates:
Status: Closed Impact on me:
Category:MySQL Workbench Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:5.0.14 Beta OS:Any
Assigned to: Alfredo Kojima CPU Architecture:Any
Tags: alter script, Connection, double, lines, sync, synchronize

[11 Mar 2008 14:05] Gert van de Venis
When i try to generate an alter script an extra set of connections is created for every existing foreign key relation. See attached screen dumps for details.

How to repeat:
OSS Version:
- Open an eer diagram that contains some related tables. If not create one.
- If you haven't already generated a database script for it, do it now. File>Export>Forward engineer SQL CREATE script
- After this change for example the name of a table
- Now export an sql ALTER script. File>Export>Forward engineer SQL ALTER script and compare it against the previously exported script.
- Now have a look at the diagram again. Note that all connection lines appear fat and ugly. On closer examination you'll discover there are actually two connection lines drawn instead of one!

SE Version:
- Use the Database Forward Engineer and Synchronize functionality instead.

Suggested fix:
It's not really a fix, merely a work-around.

Solution 1:
After processing the alter script, you can click undo, once for each connection.
Then once more for the parse script action. So if you have a model with only one relation the actions to undo are:
1: Undo Create Connection
2: Undo Parse MySql SQL script
Then the lines appear to be gone.

Solution 2:
Restart WB
[11 Mar 2008 14:09] Gert van de Venis
Example of double connection lines

Attachment: double connection lines.PNG (image/png, text), 107.94 KiB.

[11 Mar 2008 14:24] MySQL Verification Team
Thank you for the bug report.
[13 Mar 2008 10:04] Johannes Taxacher
works in SVN Rev 2728
[15 Mar 2008 12:57] MC Brown
A note has been added to the 5.15 changelog: 

Generating an ALTER SCRIPT or using the synchronize functionality on a model with entity relationships, the relationship lines within the diagram would be generated twice