Bug #35211 text fields returned in hex encoding when using utf8_bin collation
Submitted: 11 Mar 2008 13:30 Modified: 18 Mar 2008 10:22
Reporter: Zoltán Papp Email Updates:
Status: Not a Bug Impact on me:
Category:Connector / ODBC Severity:S3 (Non-critical)
Version:3.51.23, 5.1.3 OS:Linux
Assigned to: CPU Architecture:Any

[11 Mar 2008 13:30] Zoltán Papp
When creating a table with utf8 encoding and utf8_bin collation MyODBC treats text fields as binary and returns the hex encoding of the contents. When using the mysql client everything seems fine.

varchar fields are handled properly.

Note that if you alter the collation _after_ creating the table the problem doesn't appear. However this is not a suitable workaround because between the two steps the collation will be case insensitive which can cause unique constraint violations when you are converting a table to utf8.

OS: Linux, Fedora Core 5
MySQL version: tested with 5.0.27 and 5.0.51a.
MyODBC: 3.51.17r581 (from Fedora Core 5 package)
unixODBC: 2.2.11

How to repeat:
create database d default character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
use d;
create table t (v varchar(255), t text);
insert into t values ('varchar value', 'text value');

edit your odbc.ini accordingly and then:

echo "select * from t" | isql -v d root

EXPECTED the values "varchar value" and "text value".

GOT the values "varchar value" and "746578742076616C7565", which equals hex("text value").
[11 Mar 2008 13:39] Tonci Grgin
Hi Zoltán and thanks for your report. 3.51.17 is rather old version, please upgrade and inform us of results.
[11 Mar 2008 14:04] Zoltán Papp
Tested with mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.23-linux-x86-64bit package with the exact same results.

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm testing on 64bit architecture.
[14 Mar 2008 18:08] Tonci Grgin
Zoltán, no problem, processor architecture shouldn't matter in this... This actually seems to be a bug. Let me check more.
[14 Mar 2008 19:16] Tonci Grgin
Zoltán, there is no bug here. You got expected result using "bin" collation. Please correct your database/table definition as described below.

Let me try to explain. How ever we look at it, c/ODBC 5.1 discovers field type correctly based on server's metadata. This is trace when using "bin" collation like you did (and getting "wrong" result):
odbct32w        1084-1318	EXIT  SQLDescribeColW  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
	HSTMT               00852280
	UWORD                        2 
	WCHAR *             0x00096F2C 
	SWORD                      100 
	SWORD *             0x00000000
	SWORD *             0x00096FF4 (-10)    SQL_WLONGVARCHAR - correct
	SQLULEN *           0x00096FF8 (65535)
	SWORD *             0x00000000
	SWORD *             0x00000000

and due to "bin" collation result looks wrong:

odbct32w        1084-1318	EXIT  SQLGetData  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
	HSTMT               00852280
	UWORD                        2 
	SWORD                        1 <SQL_C_CHAR>
	PTR                 0x00097B68 [      20] "746578742076616C7565"
	SQLLEN                 65535
	SQLLEN *            0x0006EFE4 (20)

A proper thing to do would be *not* to use "bin" collation as it means "no charset" but, like in this example, use general collation:
mysql> create table bug35211(v varchar(255), t text) default character set utf8
collate utf8_general_ci;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

mysql> insert into bug35211 values ('varchar value', 'text value');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

which will, in turn, produce correct result:

Successfully connected to DSN 'test51-utf'.
SELECT * FROM bug35211
SQLExecDirect:	In:	hstmt = 0x00851FE0, szSqlStr = "", cbSqlStr = -3

Get Data All:
"v", "t"
"varchar value", "text value"
1 row fetched from 2 columns.

odbct32w        11a0-1114	EXIT  SQLDescribeColW  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
		HSTMT               00852280
		UWORD                        2 
		WCHAR *             0x00096F2C 
		SWORD                      100 
		SWORD *             0x00000000
		SWORD *             0x00096FF4 (-1)    SQL_LONGVARCHAR
		SQLULEN *           0x00096FF8 (65535)
		SWORD *             0x00000000
		SWORD *             0x00000000
odbct32w        11a0-1114	EXIT  SQLGetData  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
		HSTMT               00852280
		UWORD                        2 
		SWORD                        1 <SQL_C_CHAR>
		PTR                 0x00097B68 [      10] "text value"
		SQLLEN                 65535
		SQLLEN *            0x0006EFE4 (10)

Although in this example 3.51 returns correct result, you may get in trouble using it with MB c-sets, please try 5.1. Be careful of "character_set_results" variable too!
[15 May 2008 10:09] Tonci Grgin
Zoltán, I'm sorry I missed your private comment. Please see discussion in Bug#36517 for details on server side implementation.